Chapter 5 - I love you

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"And that's how the soulmate system was created , any questions ? " asked Taehyung

Jungkook walked in the class and saw Taehyung writing on the board

" Mr.Jeon your late ! " said Taehyung

" um...I'm sorry ? " said Jungkook confused taking a seat next to Jimin

" what's going on ? " whispered Jungkook

" did you forget ? It's student , teacher day Swap day , so teachers take a break while
The students teach and Taehyung is grumpy today because Yoongi was sent for some exams
To enroll in our school and he got assigned his least favourite class "

" he hates this class , why ? " asked Jungkook

" because our teacher makes everyone think life is so easy , plus his soulmates
Were taken away from him so he hates this class "

" I Have a question Mr.Kim " said a girl

" yes ? " asked Taehyung

" The teachers have been lying haven't they ? You can't talk to your soulmate by writing "

" yes you can - "

" it's obviously fake ! " said another boy

" it's true ! " said another girl

The whole class started getting into a heated argument making Taehyung annoyed
Until Jungkook got up and walked to the board and everyone went silent , since Jungkook
Joined he didn't talk to anyone besides Jimin and Taehyung so the class was startled...
he grabbed A marker and wrote the words ' I love you ' on his wrist

" What ever you write on your hand your soulmate will automatically get it , your bonded
If you fall your soulmate will feel everything you feel emotionally and physically "

" ...but your soulmate could be any where , how do we know you not faking it
New kid " said another guy

" Jimin-Ssi...can you show them your hand ? " asked Jungkook

Jimin raised his hand and everyone  looked at it shocked it clearly had the same
Writing on his hands , Jimin took the marker and wrote ' love you too ' and
It appeared on Jungkook's hand.

" There is a cannot tell your soulmate where you live or your name if you
Haven't met already " explained Taehyung

" what If you more then one soulmate ? " asked a boy

Just then the bell rang and Taehyung let out as sigh of relief as everyone left the class.

" Mr.Kim you look stressed " joked Jimin

" I Hate this class ! Why couldn't I cover art ? Or P.E or even math why Soulmate education
Why is this subject necessary " sighed Taehyung.

" every subject is linked with our soulmates there is no escape " said Jungkook

" well I'm covering art next...wish me luck " said Jimin


" Hello everyone , don't call me Mr.park please just call me Jimin , anyway my class will
Be more fun then Taehyung's - "

" Hey I'm offended! " said Taehyung

" You will each have an canvas , you are all to draw your soulmate , but I'm aware
Mostly all of you haven't found your soulmate , so I want you to imagine them
Think deeply "

" Jimin hyung " said a boy

" yes ? " asked Jimin

" did you just give us this task so Jungkook can paint you ? "

" he probably did " smirked Taehyung

" I did not ! The teacher left the assignment " blushed Jimin

" your just jealous my soulmate is beautiful- " said Jungkook

" Nope have you even seen Yoongi hyungs angelic face ? " asked Taehyung

" anyway everyone shut it and do the work or detention ! " said Jimin

" even me ? " pouted Jungkook

" you too Kook , you get no privilege "




" Hanuel why are we here ? " asked Jae

" because we are those characters that appear in every fanfic the author has made
but no one notices us because We are made up characters " ranted Hanuel

" wait...What ?! "

" No nothing we need to find Jungkook...and carry out our mission "

" Hanuel ? " asked a familiar voice

Hanuel turned around and saw his cousin Jungkook.

" Jungkook are you ? " asked Hanuel

" I'm fine , what are you doing here ? " asked Jungkook

" I'm here to invite you and...your boyfriend I assume ? "
Said Hanuel pointing to Jimin who was siting next to Taehyung in the cafeteria.

" Yes...well kinda , he's my soulmate as I told you " explained Jungkook

" oh well I wanted to invite you and Jimin for dinner-"

" well we have dinner to attend with my parents, you can join...if you want "




" sure , as long as I can bring my soulmate as well"

This story  doesn't have a happy ending - soulmate AU - JikookWhere stories live. Discover now