Halloween Confessions

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Well.... Its been....... A few..... Months since I did stuff here.....

I'm sorry TwT

So okay uh.... I know I haven't been online in forever but things will change sort of.
I'm gonna try to edit this one shot book and add more oneshots to it now.... Yey TwT

Anywho I made this one shot last year for a writing assignment in a app I was in which the theme was Halloween so uh yeah.....
I hope you enjoy this treat idk?



"I can't believe I'm saying this but, I think I'm in love with you."

"What?" Star looks at Marco, confused on what he said.

"O-Oh... Nothing, was just reciting a quote in the movie." Marco says as he looks away blushing due to the words that he said accidentally to his 'bestfriend'.

"Oh... Alright then." Star says, confused, as she looks away, grabbing a handful of nachos from her bowl, continuing to watch 'The Corpse Bride'.

It's Halloween in Echo Creek, Star and Marco decided to watch a marathon of Spooky Cartoon Movies for Halloween instead of Trick or Treating or Scaring Children because of how busy and tiring college was for them.
They decided to take a break and relax when they notice that they haven't done any 'Friendship-Bonding' Moments for October due to pile of work their universities gave to them.

"You know, I haven't heard the line from the movie last time I watched it." Star sees a bit suspicious about the sentence Marco said.
"Well it is, it's in the...scratched script for the movie." Marco says as an excuse.

Marco had a crush on Star for the longest time ever since Jackie broke it off with him because apparently, Jackie felt like their relationship wasn't going anywhere after she transferred to Hawaii for her major in college. Marco was okay with it since he felt like there relationship was slowly falling apart.
Star was the one who did all kinds of stunts and actions to make Marco move on over her which didn't work at first, but soon, after some time of bonding and nacho making. He eventually got over it and soon developed a crush for her.

"Hey Marco, do you think I have a chance to be with 31210?" Star asks as Marco scoffs, annoyed over 31210.

31210, is the code name of Star's crush.
Marco would often wonder the origins of their nickname. Is it because they love to do binary code? Is it because Math is their favorite subject? Whatever it is.... It would make Marco shiver and pissed everytime he hears those numbers together. Scared that Star might be with someone that wasn't him and Angry not knowing who this person was, they might be a criminal for all he knows!!

"Of course you do. Do I have to tell you all the qualities you have that could make them love you?" Marco teases as Star looks away, mumbling words that Marco couldn't understand and was Star blushing?
"Sorry I.... I didn't mean to make you angry." Marco says as he looks at the window, seeing children laughing and bragging over the candy they got for Halloween.
"N-No... I wasn't mad just......" Star says cutting off her own sentence as she sighs.


"You know I really love this scene in the movie." Marco says out of nowhere.


"The piano duet scene, it just amazes me how beautiful the stop motion animation is in this movie, this scene really captures Victor's apology through music. Emily playing the low notes in a way of saying she is upset while Victor playing the high notes as an apology tune. It's... Nice. " Marco says as he smiles watching the scene in amazement as Star chuckles scootching herself to be closer to Marco as Marco wrapped an arm around her.

"Yeah I agree, this scene is really beautiful." Star says as she looks down, sighing.

"Everything okay Star?" Marco asks as Star looks up, her face looking nervous.

"Marco..... I..... Uh.... Have something to say to you." Star says as she takes Marco's arm that was wrapped around her shoulders and sighs.

Marco didn't say anything and instead just looked at her a bit confused.

"I think it's time for you to know who 31210 is. Just please don't tease me or joke around with it okay?" Star says as she looks at Marco, her light blue eyes meeting Marco's chocolate eyes.

"Promise." Marco says as the voices in his head, panic and scream, anxious to know who 31210 is.

Star takes a deep breath and exhales as she looks down.

"31210.......... 31210 is....."


"He is y-"

"STAR WATCH OUT!! " Marco shouts cutting off Star as she turns around seeing a ball going straight towards her as she ducks, the ball landing on Marco instead.


"Yeah I'm fine...." Marco says as he rubs his forehead, holding the ball that was thrown from the window as he gets up, Star following behind.

"EY MISTER WE WANT CANDY." A kid in a blue paladin costume shouts as his friends yell 'YEAH!!' in the background.

Marco sighs as he throws the ball back to the kids, almost hitting the kid in the green paladin costume making the blue paladin kid shout curses at him, mad that Marco almost hitted his 'girlfriend'.
"Kids these days." Marco says as Star snickers.

Marco sighs in annoyance as he closes the window and pauses the movie.

"I'll be back Star, I just need to give those rascals some candy so they can leave." Marco says as he walks out of the room leaving Star alone.

Star sits down on the couch, grabbing a pillow and faceplanting her head in it as she screams.
After that she throws the pillow in the side of the couch as she looks down, her face as red as a tomato.

"Keep it together Star, you can tell Marco that he is 31210."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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