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"WHA-?!! SHE FORGOT LITTLE BUNNY?!" Emma exclaimed, picking up the pink stuffed rabbit that her little sister carried everywhere. The little girl treasured the toy as if it was her baby. Did she accidentally leave it behind? Something felt odd, but Emma shrugged it off. "So much for the speech earlier. What do we do?"

Gilda, a fellow orphan, sighed and shook her head in dismay. "Conny's already gone by now-"

"-Maybe not," Ray interrupted. They all lifted their eyebrows in confusion. He directed them to the gate outside. It was lit, but no one was in sight. The raven head continued. "The lights are still on, and Mama still hadn't returned after sending her off. They might be still there."

There was a pause as they thought about it. Ray and Norman stared at Emma. The girl tapped her foot thoughtfully.

"Then let's deliver it to her," Norman suggested. "I know we were taught to pass these things to Mama when she returns, but Conny will be leaving soon. I don't think she'll fault us for leaving the house this late to pass Conny her bunny."

Happy to have someone supporting her thoughts, Emma beamed and nodded in agreement, ignoring that dull drum beating in her head. Family comes first after all.

The duo set out to leave the house, but all the doors were locked. Norman then took out two bobby pins, bent them, and proceeded to pick the lock. In no time, the door clicked open, and the doorknob turned. The orange head gasped in awe.

"We can get into trouble together later," Norman whispered and stepped out of the house first.

Just as she was about to follow, that dull drum amplified. She paused. Emma reached for her temples and rubbed them to ease the pain. Norman noticed she was no longer following, retraced his steps and found her eyes squeezed shut as if willing something away.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Is it telling you something?" He gestured to her head.

She did not reply. Instead, she pressed on the ache harder, hoping to ease the pain away. When it had faded enough, she brought her hand back down. For added measure, she shook her head to clear it out. Norman watched on wearily.

"Yes, I'm fine," she tried.

Only a handful knew about her gift, and many of them had left for their new families. Though on a side note–every time someone leaves, that familiar dull drum would beat ceaselessly until Mama returns. She never found out why. Perhaps, today will be the day!

She grins at the white-haired boy. "Let's go before Conny leaves!"

Norman frowned for a bit before following suit, taking over her in a few seconds.

Emma was known to have little spurts of headaches when something was about to happen. He hoped there was truly nothing wrong this time.

They ran over to the gate and was surprised by the darkness that loomed over. They stood at the entrance and called softly, afraid to expose themselves.


"Conny~ You forgot your Little bunny!"

Emma frowned. Her headache has returned, but she thought nothing of it. They ventured in, noticing the truck parked in the corridor. Having never seen a truck in real life before, they were fascinated by the vehicle and walked around it, looking for their little friend at the same time.

Norman peered into the passenger seat, noting the lack of presence anywhere. "She's not here."

Emma clutched onto the bunny tighter. Her mind seemed to be controlling her legs as she moved towards the back of the truck. The noises in her head were now at their loudest as they urged her to pull the curtain apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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