Untitled part

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Disclaimer: the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise is owned by Kazuki Takahashi and Konami. 

As people say, the night brings advice. And Jaden, apparently trying to follow that, was quietly sitting at the kitchen table, quietly re-watching for the umpteenth time the video that was making him go crazy.
On the tablet screen, propped up thanks to improvised support provided by a glass, Zane was speaking into a microphone, his words echoing I the arena and nearly drowned by cheers and yells coming from the audience.
The earphones blasted his voice into Jaden's ear, as he kept on listening to Zane's announcement over and over again. The man, after winning against Aster (more like annihilating), was given the chance to challenge whoever he wanted to, and the Duel would be broadcasted world-wide during a live show.
Jaden was so focused on Zane's voice and his own thoughts, he didn't notice Jesse's footsteps approaching behind him.
When he flicked the light switch on the brunette hissed in annoyance, raising a had to cover his eyes before squinting in Jesse's general direction. The screen's brightness was too dim, and the sudden change of light hurt Jaden's eyes.

Upon seeing the man, who hadn't even bothered putting on pajamas or changing clothes since he got back, Jesse frowned: «What are you doing, Jay? It's 2 am, and you have class tomorrow». He crossed his arms, barely suppressing a yawn: «Is something wrong? You haven't been quite yourself these days, I'm starting to get worried».
To be fair, Jaden had barely been home the fast few days, too busy because of his job, but Jesse wasn't blind. He could feel when the brunette had problems but refused to talk about it, and normally it was because he didn't know how to approach the issue.
Jesse tried to keep quiet and let him make the first move, but that was the third night in a row Jaden didn't get any sleep. And, this time he wasn't even pretending to sleep.

Before answering, Jaden turned off the tablet's screen and removed his earphones: «I'm okay, you don't need to be», he replied, sighing, in a weak attempt to shrug it off.
He was incredibly tired and sleepy, and Jesse was right about class in the morning, but the brunette couldn't sleep. He tried to, but as soon as he closed his eyes they shot open again, almost on their own. Even Yubel stepped in and tried to take some of his worries away, but that didn't work either.
So, Jaden decided to just stop pretending and didn't even joined Jesse in bed for that night. Apparently, it was the sign the bluenette needed to intervene.
Not that he didn't want to, but deep down Jaden was hoping not to include him this time.
Since Zane's challenge, broadcasted almost a week before, Jaden started feeling unbelievable anxiety, something he hadn't experienced for a long time. Not even Jesse's soothing presence, normally able to help, wasn't useful.

As if reading his mind, Jesse sighed as well and moved forward, stopping right at Jaden's side: «It's about Zane's challenge, isn't it?». As quick as his sparkly cat, the man snatched the tablet away from Jaden and unlocked the screen. Sure enough, that damned video was still the only thing on it, paused on Zane's face.
«I figured as much».

Jaden snorted, his lips curling in a weak and unrestrained smile: «You look right through me, uh?», he said, used to his boyfriend's cleverness. «Yeah», he admitted, taking the tablet from Jesse's hands. «I can't seem to stop thinking about it».
He didn't quite know the reason yet, but something in that challenge made him shiver every time he heard it. Maybe it wasn't the challenge, thought.
Maybe it was Zane.
There, figured out. Jaden didn't want to face Zane, of all people. Realization hit him with the force of a waterfall, washing what was left of his resolution down the drain.

«You'll be fine», Jesse assured him, attempting some moves. Jaden had all his cards flipped face-up, but their effects were still unknown. The field was still tricky to navigate through.

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