Chapter 3

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The mortician had studied Devon’s anatomy. Amazed at his findings never had he imagined in his 27 years of working at a governmental morgue would he come across such a beautiful mystery. The only sad thing was that now the boy was dead and a lot of answers would go unanswered unless they could convince Troy to speak to them. The government had claimed the boy’s body as their own for studying. When the body first came to him he wondered what had happened but as he looked more closely he had notice the shattered jaw and the hole in the body where he thought the killer had taken the heart was truly horrifying for him. In his findings he had recorded that the heart had still been intact but that the hole in his chest was caused by a powerful blow that ripped threw one side of his body and out the other where the spine was ripped out of. Whoever had killed this young boy was so sinister that he had completely removed the boy’s spine in one shot. He went on and recorded what he thought was useful information about this young boy before preparing it for cremation.

Lord Lucifer had escaped into the sky when he had finished killing Devon. He knew that Troy would be no match whatsoever so he left the boy to be attended by the humans. He traveled as far as he could into the sky until he found icy mountains that no human could travel too or withstand. He made himself a home where he rested for a while until he could figure out the fastest way to finding Dean.

The Ducati 996 was a nice red colored bike; it ripped thru the streets of New York speeding away. Dean enjoyed his bike as he sped thru the streets at times taking the sidewalks and watching as pedestrians jumped out of the way. He had just finished a job that he was privately contracted for. This particular job only took him an easy 20 minutes and made him an easy 400,00.00 dollars. At the age of 11 he ran away from his foster parent’s home and headed all over the world. On his trip he meet a professional contract killer who took him in and showed him the tricks of the trade. By 13 years old Dean had killed 5 people making him the youngest and most skillful assassin the world had ever known of. At age 16 while on a mission in Rome, contracted to kill a pope his mentor was poisoned by a beautiful women who had made her way into their home. After returning home from Rome, he found his mentor face down on the ground white as snow. He had been dead for a good 2 days. At 17 years old Dean finally got his chance for sweet revenge after tracking down the lady assassin. He charmed her with his good lucks and as she believed Dean to be a low life loser they slept together only for Dean to awaken in the morning. As they lied in bed asleep he slit her throat and watched her die.The money he made was very good he kept half of his earnings in a Swiss bank account and the other he kept in different banks under different aliases. Dean had seen most of the world from what he wanted to. He traveled from Spain, to Brazil, from Brazil to South Africa. He also traveled thru India, Pakistan and Malaysia. He spent a few weeks in Hong Kong but stayed even longer in Japan. He traveled back and forth from England, to Australia and the Untied States which he made home. He spoke 15 different languages and kept each language well maintained with different accents.

As he sped off in his Ducati, he dialed in the hit to confirm his payment and to let his employers know that the man they had contracted him to kill was eliminated. He headed for a small apartment in the Bronx where he was well protected.No one bothered him and he never bothered them. He parked his bike in the garage and headed for his apartment.

“Hi Peter” an old neighbor of his said as Dean walked by.

Dean smiled and gave him a quick glance before speaking.

“Good Day Mr. Jenkins, how’s the lady” Dean asked pretending to be concerned.

He always reminded himself that he could kill any of these people and get away with it. He didn’t fear the New York Police because he always knew he could get away when he wanted too. His mentor always told him to be a shadow amongst the world. He always let Dean know that he should never be out in public too long, not to wear clothes that would stand out in the human mind.

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