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the air felt cold and chan's breath was visible against the deep blue sky.
he was hesitant to meet hyunjin, especially after everything he'd done. but chan agreed anyway. what was even there to show? was this a trap? chan wondered these silly things that he didn't even realize he passed by the place hyunjin wanted to talk.
that was, until he heard a voice.
" chan! " the voice cheered. of course chan knew who it was.
chan was quite embarrassed by his little mistake but brushed it off.
" alright, make it quick, it's getting chilly out here... " chan complained. hyunjin rolled his eyes and started talking.
" well... it's about jeongin, of course. you guys are dating right? " chan nodded yes at hyunjin's question.
" oh. that's quite unfortunate. but whatever... i want you to break up with him, okay? "
" what?! are you crazy?! " chan scoffed.
" i'm serious. i always get jealous when you're with him! j-just break up already! " hyunjin demanded.
and with that hyunjin lost it, pulling chan closer and connecting their lips. chan hated the taste; it was bitter and was definitely not filled with love. he tried pulling away but no use.
two pairs of eyes watched them from afar, their jaws open and eyes wide.

what a regret 1 :: jeongchan [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now