Watching You Go-Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I obviously don't own the Falling Skies series, I only own the characters I made up such as Danny, Tyler, Gemma, Hayden and Gemma's mom.



            My mom smiled down at me with her sweet blue eyes, her blonde hair falling around her shoulders in soft curls. For a split second I felt jealous of how naturally pretty she was. She wasn’t too tall, just average, she had a round sun tanned face with a different color of blue that I had never seen before. She was plump but perfect; her smile always brightened the dark days. She was always able to make light of the situation, including the situation that clouded the world.

            Mom’s eyes softened before she continued the conversation she was having with her childhood friend, Mrs. Mason; Mr. Mason at the grill, on the other side of the deck, cooking our dinner with his eldest son, Hal, who also just switched to be my ex-boyfriend.

            I didn’t want to be here, but I loved the Mason’s, Mrs. Mason always called me the daughter she never had because I was always around and she was granted 3 beautiful boys.

            I sighed as Hal’s eyes fell on me, his smile gentle, strong jaw relaxed. I couldn’t handle his deep brown eyes so I looked away to find the youngest Mason, Matt, crawling into my lap. His 8 year old body resting against mine, his legs on either side of my hips, cheek to my chest. Across from me, the middle Mason, Ben, had his nose stuck in the book he was reading. I smiled and relaxed as Matt’s head fell heavy against my chest, no matter how old he got, he still loved to cuddle.

            “This could be the last time we do this,” Mr. Mason called out, breaking through the silence that fell between me, Matt and Ben and breaking through the conversation mom was having with Mrs. Mason.

            My fingers stopped running through Matt’s curly hair as I looked up at him, “Why?”

            “Oh stop it, those aliens don’t mean any harm,” Mrs. Mason said, shaking her head at me while rolling her eyes and giving me a smile. I felt myself smile at Mrs. Mason, returning the soft smile she gave me. She was graceful and beautiful, heart shaped face, shiny strawberry blonde hair and soft blue eyes that used to stare at me and Hal, when we were younger, until one of us cracked, getting us grounded with our latest scheme. My heart leaped a little at the thought of Hal, I found my eyes glancing back at him to see him nodding at something his dad said but his eyes already on me. I looked away and looked up at the sky, my eyes crossing over the large spaceship that stood over Boston, a little over a half hour away from where we lived.

            It was weird to think that we had spaceships flying over every continent, sometimes I felt like I lived in some apocalypse movie, it seemed like a dream. The states were furious with the government, they told us they wouldn’t shoot down the spaceships because they were convinced they wouldn’t hurt us, and also the mad scientists wanted to study the weird bastards.

My eyes looked away from the cool but frightening spaceship and at Mr. Mason and Hal as they brought over plates of burgers, hot dogs and chicken. Hal folded himself into the lawn chair that was placed next to me. I didn’t meet his eyes, I couldn’t. How could I when he was making the break up harder than it already was? I’ve known him since I was 3, we dated at age 17 for 8 months. I have no idea why he broke up with me, but he did.

            “Rebecca, they mean harm,” Mr. Mason said to his wife, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. I smiled up at them, I always wondered what you had to do in life to get a love like theirs, Mr. Mason seemed to be the perfect husband. Even though I was only 17, I wondered why Hal and I wouldn’t ever be like that. Was it something I had done? Why couldn’t Hal love me like that?

In that moment all thought of Hal, who was placing a burger on my plate with no bun because I always tore apart my food anyways, because Mr. Mason looked at me and opened his mouth. Mr. Mason was a college history professor so I prepared myself for a history lesson. It wasn’t that I hated the history lessons, because I really enjoyed them, it was just the thought of aliens wanting to take over the world sent me scared.

            “Not in front of the kids,” Mrs. Mason warned.

            Mr. Mason smiled at me, “We’ll talk later,”

            “Oh no you won’t,” Mom said, Mr. Mason shooting me a wink.

~~~ Hi guys, so this is my new story, a Falling Skies Spinff off. Obviously, I feel like I'm taking a risk with this story, so let me know what you think, please.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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