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Min Yoongi sat in complete boredom as he stared at the girl in front of him go on and on about God knows what.

He didn't want to be there. He'd rather be at home right now, but no. His parents want to set him up on random dates.

Now that he's taken over his father's company as the new CEO, they thought it was about time for their only son to marry and have an heir of his own so one day they could take over the company.

But Yoongi disliked just about all the women his parents picked out for him. Most of them only saw him as a walking bank account. They never cared enough to know anything about him just as long as they had his money. And with the way things have been going so far, it was safe to say the same could be said for his current date.

Long black hair draped on one shoulder, feline-like eyes, her lips plump and dark red from her lipstick, her sharp features made her beautiful but only on the outside. The moment she started talking about herself as if the world worshipped her was when Yoongi tuned her out. He didn't even touch the food on his plate, just being at the restaurant with her made his appetite disappear.

Yoongi looked at the time on his Rolex. 10:15.

With a heavy sigh, he stood from his chair, interrupting the woman from her monologue. He set the money for his meal on the table and turned to leave.

"What are you doing?" she said to him before he could walk away.

"I'm going home," he said turning back to the woman, the same bored look etched on his face.

"But you haven't even touched your food."

"Wasn't hungry," he said.

"Oh," she cleared her throat as she stood up while straightening her dress and walked over to him. Gently grazing her fingertips on his right arm, she said, "Maybe we can finish this date back at your place?"

Yoongi scrunched his face up in slight disgust at the way the woman was trying to be seductive. He scoffed. "You are not worthy of stepping foot into my home."

He lightly pushed her off him and walked away only to turn back halfway to the door.

"Oh, and sweetheart. I'm gay."

Not bothering to look at the woman's reaction, Yoongi exited the restaurant and made his way to his car. He breathed a sigh of relief as he started driving. He absolutely hated it when his parents set him up on blind dates for their own needs. And they knew he was gay!

But with being rich and powerful, they had a reputation to uphold. Yoongi being gay wasn't going to stop them from marrying him off to a pretty lady with wealth. They would try to keep his sexuality quiet until he realized it was 'just a phase', as his parents put it. In their minds, they would surely be the laughing stock if that was to get out.

But Yoongi didn't mind telling people he was gay. In fact, he very much enjoyed the look of shock on their faces whenever he came out to people. He never cared about his family's reputation.

On top of that, the young raven-haired man was already in a relationship. He wasn't about to let two years of that go down the drain.

Upon seeing the large gates that surrounded his mansion, Yoongi couldn't help the wide gummy smile that formed on his lips. His entire day was utter shit and all he wanted was some well-deserved downtime.

After parking the car, he made his way into the house and went upstairs, stopping at two large doors leading to his room. He raked his hand through his hair to make it look nice after the long day he's had before swinging the doors open.

Most people would find the size of his room ridiculous and unnecessary. Not counting the overly large bathroom and walk-in closet, the space was a bit bigger than his kitchen and living room combined. And those were already big enough on their own.

But Yoongi needed all that space as he didn't live alone.

"Babes, I'm home," he announced, stepping further into the room.

Occupying the large space were six breathtakingly gorgeous men. Four sat on the large four-post bed. The other two sat on the couch across the room. All of them were Yoongi's boyfriends.

As Yoongi undressed for the night, he began recapping on the day's events. How busy he's been at work, how his parents set him up on yet another date, and how he's missed the six men terribly.

It was like this every night, him coming home late and trying to spend as much time as he could before going back to work the next day and possibly overworking himself. But he'd work himself to death if it meant his lovers were well taken care of.

They've all been dating for almost three years and the relationship has been going strong ever since the first day. Whenever he was with his boyfriends, he was the happiest.

To Yoongi, this whole set up was perfect. Well...almost perfect.

The only thing that could truly make this perfect was if his boyfriends were actually human instead of life-like sex dolls.


Short chapter I know

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