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I was tossing and turning in my bed thinking of what it would be like to be in this house on my own, what if I had an accident? what if someone breaks into the house?. I don't want my dad to leave but he has to, at the same time I don't want to be left alone without anyone by my side because I am nowhere near ready for adulthood no matter how old I am. I roll over once more but this time I roll into something so I open my eyes to see Harvey, he rolls over onto his side and snakes his arms around me and his eyes begin to flicker over "hey babe, you alright?" he says in his deep tired voice "yeah, I'm fine" I say cuddling into his chest "no your not, you've been tossing and turning for most of the night" he says still with his sleepy deep voice with he chest vibrating every time he says a word. I sigh and give in because I know he won't let it slide "I had a nightmare about me falling down a well" I lied to him, if I told him the truth then he will tell my dad "don't worry, I'll keep you safe" he said kissing my head and holding me tighter as I cuddle in closer to him and manage to fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to Harvey still cuddling me with his arms wrapped around me and his breath hitting the back of my neck sending shivers down my back. I slowly slide out from his grasp and out of bed, I grab some clothes and get dressed and slowly make my way out the window again but before I manage to get my second leg out the window I hear Harvey muttering in his morning voice "so after that amazing night we had you're just going to run out on me" I turn around to see Harvey shirtless sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes "and by the window, come on you could have used the door" he laughed causing me to laugh as I carried on climbing out of the window and onto the ledge ready to watch the sunrise once again. After about two minutes Harvey popped his head out the window "can I join?" he asked and I nod my head, he climbs out the window and sits next to me "wanna talk about what happened last night?" he asked not making any eye contact with me what so ever "what do you mean?" I asked looking at him, he looks at me dead in the eye "you were tossing and turning all night and when I asked you about it you lied to me, you told me that you had a nightmare about you falling down a well but I know that's not true" he said with a smirk on his face. It went silent for a while as the sun started coming into view and brightening up the day, I was in an awkward position right now and it was time for me to come clean "fine, I lied. I didn't want to but I had to otherwise you would have told my dad to cancel the tour" I began to explain "you can tell me about it, I won't judge" he said sympathetically. I was just about to open my mouth and tell him what was going on but my dad stuck his head out the window "come inside because one of you is either going to get hurt or get cold and I'm going to go with Harvey as the one that's going to get cold because he ain't wearing a shirt" he said laughing as he made his way out of the room. We make our way into the window and Harvey gave me his hand to help me get through the window, we walked downstairs and sat at the table and had breakfast "you ready for the tour?" my dad asked Harvey and I looked down at my plate and started playing around with it.

A few minutes went past and I was still playing around with my food because I didn't want to be left in this house on my own but then again I don't want to go on tour with everyone else "hey, Scar. Are you listening to me?" I hear faintly "yeah dad" I say snapping my head towards him "go pack your stuff we leave soon" he says, I give him a confused look "yeah get your stuff ready and put in the car, come on chop chop" he laughs as he puts his last spoonful of cereal in his mouth. I run to my room and begin packing my things, I didn't have a clue where I was going or how long for but all I knew was that my dad was taking me somewhere. After I had finished packing a few of my things I threw my suitcase down the stairs and ran down after it "I'm ready" I squeal even though I haven't got a clue where I was being taken. We all get in the car with all of our things and my dad starts to drive and turns on the music, me and Harvey are singing and dancing in the back while Sophie and my dad are singing and dancing at the front. When my dad drives he loves to listen to music and sing and dance along to it like he's a teenage girl dancing to her favourite boyband in her room, he has always told me where we are going but this time he isn't but I trust him any way he's my dad after all. Minutes later I begin to feel really tired so I put my head on Harvey's shoulder and go to sleep.

I wake up to see everyone asleep in the now parked car so I get out to stretch my legs and get some fresh air, I climb onto the roof of the car and it there absorbing the warmth of the sun as it hits my skin. I hear a knock on the car roof and as I look over at where the knocking came from I see Sophie slowly making her way onto the roof to sit next to me "how are you doing?" she asked me "I'm fine just a bit curious on where you guys are taking me" I chuckled looking up at the sky "I'll give you an idea of what's going to happen. So your dad felt really bad about leaving you on your own so he's not leaving you at home" she said as she flashed a smile at me "but I've already said I don't want to go on tour" I stated. As I look over at Sophie she beams another smile and says "we know and we're not taking you on tour, that's where your surprise comes in. You're going to have to make a really big decision" she smirks and gets back into the car. I stay sitting on the roof watching the sunrise in the distance and thinking about what Sophie was saying until I was interrupted by Harvey hanging halfway out the window and knocking on the roof "come on we're going" he smiles before sliding back through the window.

The rest of the car ride was kind of quiet, well for me it was because I was too busy daydreaming about what Sophie was talking about until the car came to a stop. I was still daydreaming and didn't realise where we were until I was being violently shaken by Harvey "are you getting out or not" he laughs as he heads towards a huge house, I got out of the car and stood there staring at the house while my dad and Sophie went inside but before I knew it I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and someone place their chin on my neck "are you going in or are you just going to stare at the house?" Harvey asks "where exactly are we?" I asked. Harvey just smiles at me with his arms still around my waist "come on, one foot in front of the other" he says as we begin walking inside. Once we got inside we made our way to the kitchen where we saw my dad and Sophie talking but as soon as me and Harvey walk in with him hugging me behind he smiles "BOYS, COME DOWN HEAR" my dad yells and within seconds we hear footsteps and yelling of boys shouting 'DAD's HOME!'.

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