Chapter 20

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       *Severus's Point of View*
She is still leaving? After every thing we did so we wouldn't be involved with the war, she is still going? My eyes cloud with tears as I think about Hermione leaving, to be risking her life, for the 'greater good'. Hermione will be killed if she goes! She is a powerful witch but she is nothing compared to You Know Who! I pull out my phone and dial her number. She answers first ring.

"Hi," her beautiful voice echoes through my ears.

"Don't go," I whisper. "Please don't go."

"Severus, this isn't debatable. I have to go and save the Wizarding world. I need to do this. I've been fighting this battle for 7 years and I'm not going to stop at the end of the fight! I am doing this for you and for me, for Harry and Ron, for Lily and James, for Sirius and for every wizard and witch that either were killed or affected by the war. I need to help people," Hermione says. Maybe if the circumstances were different and my wife wasn't going to risk her life, I may be proud.

"Hermione do you remember the night we got married? Do you remember the night we had sex for the first time? Do you remember every kiss we shared? Because I do! I do not want to lose you! I don't want to be without you! You are my everything and if you die, I will die. Literally! I will kill myself if I have to live without you Hermione Jean Snape! I am in love with you and I won't let you go out and die," I whisper into the phone, collapsed on my knees.

"I remember Sev. I remember everything! That night was the best night of my life! It really was. I love you more than you can imagine but I have to do this! I have been helping Harry since I was 11, I can't stop now. They need me! This is the most important thing I have ever been involved in and I know that without me Harry and Ron won't last two days out there. Severus at the moment this is about more than us," Hermione says, her voice firm.

"Hermione please! I understand how important this is and how it will change everything. But You Know Who will kill anyone and everyone who comes between him and Potter! I don't want that person to be you, because I love you. Do anything to give you a better chance go Survive. Anything! The Death Eaters are going to take over the Ministry. They are going to do a huge search for Muggleborns! Hermione you have to be careful," I say. Tears steam down my face. I have lost so much, yet I haven't lost everything.

"Are you at Spinners End?" she asks, after some time.

"Yes," I whisper.

"I'll see you soon Severus," the phone goes dead. I angrily throw my phone onto the bench. What the fuck is happening to me? I storm around my house, just thinking. A knock sounds on my front door. Who. The. Fuck. Is. This? I thrust the door open and see the face of her. I slowly walk backwards, shocked.

"Severus I told you I was coming," she says closing the door behind her. She turns and smiles at me. I quickly sweep her into my arms and smash my lips to her. Our lips move in sync, our tongues dancing a sweet tango. It is like she never left.

"I love you Hermione," I mutter in between Kisses.

"I love you too Severus," she says placing her forehead against mine. We stay like this, catching our breath, smiling at the company of each other.

"Why is this happening to us?" I ask before kissing her again, this time softly, savoring her taste. Her hands twine into my hair and she pulls my closer. I kiss her with passion and with love.

"Because this is wrong but in a right way," she mutters. I wrap my arms tightly around her waist and try to get her closer. Her fingers move down to my chest as she grabs a handful of my top. I move away slightly, then all together. Sighing I release my top from her grasp.

"I can't Hermione," I say turning away from her, pain crushing me.

"Severus I'm sorry," she mutters.

"How can you leave me? After everything? How can you leave me for them?" I say falling to my knees.

"Severus, Harry and Ronald are my Bestfriends. They have been since first year, so please don't do this. You left me first remember, you told me we shouldn't be together. So don't blame me," she says sitting in front of me.

"I did that to protect you Mione, not so you could go with them," I murmur.

"I know Severus, but they need me," she sighs. I look up to see Hermione hiring her lip nervously. I pull her lip away from her teeth.

"Don't do that," I say holding her hands.

"Sev, we're really messed up," she murmurs.

"I know we are baby," I chuckle.

"I need to tell you something, Severus," she says sighing.

"Anything," I say, looking into her tear filled eyes.

"Severus. You're going to be a father," she whispers.

Cliff Hanger!!!
Hehehe I feel so evil!
They were silly, they didn't cover the willy. xD
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