Rachels new roommate

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I love rachel and quinn and in my head this is how they would get together. Please enjoy : ) My first chapter is from Rachel's point of view.

Rachels POV

It was three weeks before the beginning of the school year and I was doing everything in my power to keep from  thinking about my break up. I was living in the city that never sleeps, preparing for NYADA and decided that living  alone was not suited for someone such as myself who craves attention and companionship. So i decided i would print up  fliers to advertise and post on my facebook page that i wanted a roommate. I was very specific about my requirements, i wanted a girl who was basically me, just not as talented. For some reason i kept thinking that Quinn would be the perfect choice but the commute would be too much for her.

Snap out of it Rachel! stop thinking about Quinn Fabray.

After only a day of my posting i recieved a message on facebook from a girl i went to Mckinley with, her name was Sandy Logan and for the life of me i couldnt remember her, so wanting to make sure that this was for real i asked the girl to  me send a picture of her in high school. When i looked at the picture it hit me why i couldnt remember her ...

She was  a cheerio! Other than Britt, Santana and Quinn i tried to avoid eye contact with all other cheerioes but after  conversing with this girl for several hours i asked if she would like to be my roommate. I know this was a rash decision and could end very badly, but i'm feeling lonely and having a connection to Lima would make me feel a little more at ease. 

Also it would be nice to hear some stories about Quinn. Ok seriously what is wrong with me, why do i keep thinking about  her, maybe once Sandy arrives we could make a trip down to see her, i'll call her in the morning to see what she thinks.

As sandy was already in New York i said it was silly to wait, so it was decided that she would move in tomorrow. I spent the entire night cleaning and preparing for her arrival at noon. As i sat waiting for her arrival, i thought i'd give Quinn a quick call and ask if she was free at the weekend. I dont know why but i was beginning to get butterflies as i waited for her to answer her phone.

"Hello, Quinn?" i said shakily

"Rach, how are you? You must be reading my mind because i was just thinking about you last night" I'm sure i could hear  Quinn smiling through the phone, if thats possible.

"Really? I hope they were good thoughts" I retorted

"haha, of course they were" Quinn chuckled

"Care to elaborate" I asked hesitantly

After a moment of comfortable silence she simply said "Maybe some other time"

I was thankful that she couldnt see me blush, so i pressed on with the matter at hand.

"Quinn, i was actually calling you because i was looking for a roomate and ..."

I heard Quinns breath hitch so i stopped talking, which was uncharactoristic of me and being worried i asked if she was alright. She simply said yes and urged me to continue.

"Like i said, i was looking for a roomate and someone you know from the cheerios replied to my add, shes moving in in like  10 minutes so i was just wondering if we could arrange a visit to see you, because i miss you" God why did i have to say  that.

"Oh" Was Quinns response. "Who is she?"

"I can hear her knocking, shes early. Uhm her name is Sandy Logan."

"Rachel!" Quinn sounded frantic when she said my name. "We didnt go to school with ANYONE call sandy logan"

I froze and quitely said "What? But she sent me a pictue of you guys together on the cheerios?"

"Rach we were national champions you can get those pictures from anywhere! Dont answer the door! I'm coming over!" 

Quinn spoke so fast she didnt have time to react before she was abruptly hung up on.

I wouldnt say i was afraid, it was strangly comforting to know that quinn was coming to my rescue, despite the fact it  would be a while before she got to her, but nevermind. I edged closer to the door being as quiet as a could, clutching on to the Academy Award my daddy's gave me for being the best daughter in the world. This was my only protection.

Once i reached the door i looked through the peep hole and simply could not believe my eyes.

I threw open the door extremely confused and the only word i could form was the girls name.



A\/N Ok this is my first fanfic and i hope it didnt completely suck, i know where i want to go with this and would love any  feedback you can give me. The next chapter will be about rachel and santana, then quinn finally makes her appearance on her white horse so to speak : )

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