Making a deal with the devil

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 Endgame is Rachel and Quinn but i also want to explore rachels relationship with Santana. Also i intend on switching the POV and will make it clear when i do so. So i hope you enjoy!

Chapter Two

Santana's POV

Ok i know i'm early but i can't wait to see the look on cherry berry's face when she sees me. I don't want to seem too eager so i'll only knock afew times. Five miuntes later and Rachel still hasnt answered, I know she's home because i can hear her talking and shuffling around behind the door. When the door eventually swings open, i can't help but give her my signiture smirk. She's looking at me like i just kidnapped her puppy but I let her process the events that are happening.

"Santana" Is all she says and i can't bite my tongue any longer.

"Well well well, if it isnt my favourite little hobbit. Hows life outside the shire?" I smirk at her, except now when i say these things to her there is no venom in my voice. Ok myabe there is a tiny bit of venom, but i am trying to grow as a person and not that i would ever admit it, especially to her, but i've always liked rachel deep down. She's still standing in the door frame completely silent.

"Earth to Berry, Hello?" Still nothing, so i look to my left and with a shocked tone i say "Oh My God! Is that Barbra Streisand?"

"What? Where?"

I knew that would snap rachel out her temporary paralysis and as she took a step forward to see if it was infact her, i  took the oportunity to brush past her and enter the apartment. I heard her stamp her foot in frustration and when she  turned to look at me she was standing in her signiture berry pose. Arms crossed, foot tapping and lips pouted to the  point that sam evans would envy. I knew i had some explaining to do so i had to be the adult in this situation.

"Ok Berry, come inside, we needs to the talk. Grab my bag would you." I knew i should have gotten it myself but i was sure as hell wasnt going to leave only to have the little diva slam the door in my face. Rachel scoffed, but grabbed the bag anyway, storming past me and taking refuge on her couch.

"Santana Lopez, i don't know what your angle is but i was always taught that when someone is a guest in your home, you offer them a beverage. So, can i offer you a drink or something to eat?" Rachel was being her usual self and i gave her  my most gentle smile and replied no thank you. I sat on the same couch but on the opposite side, becasue i did'nt want to make her anymore uncomfortable than she clearly was.

"OK if i tell you why i'm here do you promise to let me finish and not constantly cut me off with a classic Berry Diva  tantrum?"

With her arms crossed across her chest, she nodded her head and looked like a toddler who had just been scolded. In fact  i'm sure she held her breath for a while, but whatever, as long as she kept quiet long enough for me to explain myself. Ok,  here goes nothing.

"As you've probably gathered, Sandy Logan does not exist, however i thought that you might have connected the dots when i sent you the cheerios picture, given that my name is so similar to the fake girls. Anyway thats irrelevant. Before we graduated my mom gave me a big ass cheque and told me to come to New York and follow my dreams."

"What about Brittany?" As soon as she said it, she covered her mouth almost comically, but i appreciated her thinking of my britt Britt, so i smiled and nodded my head.

"Brittany and I are still very much together, although we have had be more creative since we aren't together physically at  the minute." I sigh and my thoughts are elsewhere. When i hear berry snapping her fingers to bring me back to earth.

"Sorry, anyway as i was saying, Britt and I are still together and she is going to complete her senior year and then join me here to persue a dancing career. I want things to be perect for my girl when she gets here, so i'm going to take acting  classes at night and will work doing whatever i have to through the day so that i can properly support us next year."

Rachel gives me a sweet smile because she knows that Brittany is the love of my life and when i'm talking about her, i am being genuine.

"Thats where you came into the equation, I did'nt want to waste my little nest egg, so i started to look for peoplewho wanted a roomate because lets face it, the YMCA was not meant for this latina for more than a week, i was ready to go all lima heights on their asses, but thats another story."

We both chuckled and i continued.

"I was talking to Brittany and the genius of a girl told me about your facebook post and said it would be perfect if we  lived together so that you could sing her to sleep at night. I rolled my eyes, typical brittany i thought. But then it  actually made perfect sense, except for the fact that you'd probably rather room with Jew fro than me. So Sandy Logan was born, once i mentioned Quinn i knew i had you! So, here we are."

She sat silently, just nodding her head and i looked at her intently.

"Rachel, i know you have no reason to trust me or believe a single word that comes out of my mouth, but we're not in high school anymore. I know i'll still probably be a bitch at times, but thats just who i am, a straight up bitch, minus  the straight."

This earned a small chuckle from Rachel and throwing her hands up in the air, i was fully expecting to witness one of her tantrums but instead she raised her hands above her head and proclaimed

"What the hell, lets do it! BUT! There will be some ground rules that must be followed if this arrangement is going to work, I suggest we draw up a roommate agreement."

"Whatever you say sheldon Cooper" I breathe a sigh of relief and extend my hand to shake hers because lets face it, we're nowhere near ready to hug it out.

"Why do i feel like i'm making a deal with the devil?" Rachel says shakily as she takes my hand in hers and we officially  shake on it. Mid shake my hand is torn apart from Rachel's as i'm being tackled to floor.

Before i black out i'm sure i heard Berry scream out "QUINN! NO!"

When i regain consciousness that bitch is going to get it, screw Lima heights i'm gonna go all Broadway heights on her  skinny little aryan ass!


 If your wondering how it is unrealistic for Quinn to get there so quickly, it was intentional and will be explained in the next chapter, which surprise surpise will be from Quinns POV.

I welcome all comments : )

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