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Even after every bump in the road there's always more smooth road up ahead, it just takes some seconds for thing to go back.

Dippers POV~~~~~~

I couldn't move. I just froze. I stuck with my heart and stayed. I stayed standing however.
" what" I said quietly.
" Pinetree I'm sorry. It wasn't my fault though please believe me, she grabbed me and dragged me outside. We were just talking and soon she pulled towards her. I'll be honest I was and slightly still am a bit tipsy, I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry" he said walking towards me. I kept my distance.
I looked at the ground confused. I'm not sure what to believe. My emotions or my mind. I didn't speak. I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent
" Besides were not really dating. I don't think there is a point in you acting like this. I technically didn't do anything wrong. I'm not sure why you're angry with me" He said confused.
I took a deep breath in and out. I sat down on a log and covered my face.
" thats not important" i said quietly.
" I don't know. I can't explain" I said. I stayed still quietly crying. I looked over and he was sitting next to me.
" I'm sorry pinetree. I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean to hurt you emotionally. I didn't mean for that to happen" he said looking at the ground. I looked away. We stayed in silence.

" I- I don't know. I'll leave you alone this time. You're right we aren't really dating anyways. I shouldn't act like this. I just don't know my emotions sometimes" I said. I got up and walked away. I made my way back to the mansion. He didn't stop me.
After a few minutes I saw the mansion wall. I made my way inside and searched for Wolf and Will.
" Hey mate where'd you run off to, you took you're time" Wolf said curious
" yeah you took longer than we expected" Will said.
" I'm sorry guys. I guess I'm a little tired. I'm going home. Would you mind taking Mabel home before 2am?" I asked them
" Sure thing I'll make sure to take her home" Wolf said happily.
" You're not sick are you?" Will asked concerned
" No I'm sure I'm just tired" I reassured him. I said my good byes and left the party. I made my way back to the shack which felt longer than getting to the mansion.
I crept in and made my way to my room. The squeaky floor wasn't helping my situation. Luckily I made it to my room before anyone saw me. I flopped down on my bed and fell asleep.

~~morning time skip~~~~

I woke up tired. I got ready for the day. As I made my way downstairs I heard someone knock the door.
I answered it
" Hello uh Dipper Pines?" An old guy said. He had a bouquet of flowers. Blue and yellow.
" That's me" i said looking at them confused. He handed me the flowers.
" Have a nice day" he said kindly
" you too" I said. I closed the door and put the flowers on the table. I saw a note sticking out.

          Dear Pinetree,
            I hope you can forgive me. Let's have the pass be in the past. I'm sorry for my stupidity and my ability to think while wasted.


I smiled as I read the note. He's been kind and is asking for forgiveness to something I seemed to overreacted to. I decided to send him a text saying I forgave him.

" oo~ who are the flowers for ?" Mabel said as she walked in. I put my phone away and answered
" Bill sent them to me" I said. I saw the smile I recognized to well
" for what" she said with a big smile.
" To ask for forgiveness" I said slightly glaring at her. Her smiled didn't disappear
" Why should he be asking for forgiveness" She said confused.
" Something happened" I said not wanting to tell the whole story. Mabel didn't give up however

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