Chapter One: Ever Since Blue

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(( Authors Notes - Hello there and here I am to pester all of you! AGAIN! I am here with another story, being as I have recently gotten into DuckTales (2017) version. Some of the other things I have been doing are going to be hitting a small stop here for a while so I can work on this. Please do keep in mind that I am actually new to this fandom, and that I may get quite a few things wrong in here. I will also be doing some of the following -

- This might end up turning into some kind of AU or something

- Some of the other things in here are not going to be accurate.

- I will have fan-made bad-guys in here to spice it up.

- Webby and the others will most certainly be a little OOC (or maybe a lot)

- The main character in here is Dewey, if you have not gathered that already.

- Some of the other characters in here may be OOC.

- I do generally curse, so more than likely i will squeeze profanity in here.

- This takes place when they are all 14, so this is most likely an AU kind of thing like I mentioned before.

- This is continuing the story from after Huey and Louie discover that Dewey was hiding information on their mother.

- All of them are indeed going to school

- All of this that you looked at right now was most likely me stalling to think on more ideas for the fanfiction.

- Are you all bored yet?

- Bored now?

- Do you really mean to tell me you are all still there?

- Ok then, this cringe worthy fanfiction is all your fault for reading, not mine.



Time was never nice to those who have committed crimes, as little or large as the crime was, nobody likes a liar. The harsh and blunt truth that reality tended to spew was always twisted in some way to make it suit other peoples own deceptions.

Dewey had felt victimized by how he had committed such a shameless crime, and on top of that he had tried to talk his way around his reveal. "You kept a secret about mom? That is not okay..." under all of the situational by-standings, what was the adventurous duck supposed to say? He wasn't about to let the evidence of their mothers very existence get burned to a flowing crisp; but on the other hand, was it bad that he wished he did?

Della the Duck, his mother, THEIR mother. He had the right intentions to try and keep the others safe. However, maybe what he felt was something more for any kind of sizzling, self-sufficient needs he had burrowed deep within his brain.

"You are only sorry because you got caught!" was all of that really true? No! That was all utter craziness, everything that they thought, it was all a lie too. Just stress, just anger and betrayal. Everything that set someone up for failure in the end.

The years are always harsh on someone who had angered time, and time was angered by the actions that had been committed in the past. So why? Why bother dragging all of this into the future, bringing it forth and pulling it through the mud of most rainy days to further extend the shame of the unforgiving and the un-forgiven.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2019 ⏰

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