Chapter 11~ The bond between mother and son

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Warning: there will be mention of rape in this chapter, I'm not going into detail about the rape or describing it.

Alec's P.O.V

I forced back a sob when Johnathan came inside me, he pulled out and slapped my ass, making me whimper in pain. "I've been waiting for that for seven years, last time I didn't get to finish." Jonathan says as he pulls my hair back, forcing me to look into his evil eyes. "I don't think you suffered quite enough yet." He tells me as he pushes me on my side, revealing my naked front and I see him grab his stele. I try to shuffle back but that's really hard with a hogtie, Johnatan comes closer and uses his stele to activate the agony rune he created when I was thirteen years old.

an excruciating pain takes over my body as I scream into my gag, my eyes fill with tears but I'm using all my strength not to cry, I won't give him the satisfaction. "Trust me I will make your death long and painful, you won't survive this time." Jonathan states making it sound like a promise, I close my eyes and start focussing on my breathing as a way to shut him out. Come on Alec think, there has to be a way to get out of this, where is Magnus when you need him? "Don't get your hopes up, I blocked the magic in your necklace so the warlock doesn't know you're in pain or where you are." Jonathan said it was as if he could hear my thoughts. 

I keep my eyes closed and started to slowly pull on my bonds again and I feel the rope on my wrist start to loosen, luckily Jonathan was standing in front of me so he can't see. I grunt again in pain when another wave of pain hits my body, I open my eyes again and see Jonathan looking at me with an evil smirk. I glare at him through the pain as I keep pulling on the ropes when suddenly my left wrist slips from the rope, making it easy for me to slip my right wrist out as well. I keep my hands behind me so Jonathan won't know they're lose waiting for the right moment to attack him, I look around the room and spot my clothes lying on my left.

"Let's start the real torture now shall we." Jonathan says as he takes his seraph blade and crouches in front of me as he starts tracing my torso with the blade, slowly leaning in. "You deserve this just as much as you did when you were thirteen." He whispers with his lips brushing against my ear, I quickly move forward and grab Jonathan in a headlock and cut off his air until he passes out. I let go of him and sit up and quickly untie my ankles and pull the gag down as I leave the cloth hanging around my neck, I know he won't be out for long so I have to move quickly. I grab his stele and deactivate the agony rune and let out a sigh of relieve when the pain of the rune leaves my body, I crawl towards my clothes and quickly put on the light pink pants. I hear Jonathan groan behind me as a sign that he's waking up, I stand up as fast as I can when I feel a burning pain shooting through the lower half of my body.

I open the door and stumble outside I look around and see nobody in the hall, I start to limp away from the room as fast as I can which isn't very fast with the pain shooting through my body with every step I take. I'm not even halfway when I hear Jonathan behind me again, I turn around and see his eyes are now black as the eyes of a demon. He runs towards me and tackles me to the ground sitting on me with his whole weight, wrapping his hands around my throat and squeezes tight. I grab the back of his shirt with my right hand and use all my strength to pull him off me and roll us over so I'm on top of him, I grab his arms and force them away from my throat. I use one hand to pin his wrists above his head and use my other hand to punch him in the face as hard as I can, covering my fist with his blood as I keep hitting him.

"ALEC!" I hear a familiar voice yell, I look to my side and see Jace running over with Magnus and Catarina behind him as I stop punching Jonathan. I look down and see Jonathan is bearly conscious I get off of him and look at my wrist that was covered in blood, I slowly stumble over to the wall and slide down flinching a bit when my but touches the floor and the pain shoots through my body again. I see Magnus, Jace, and Catarina coming closer and I flinch again, I look at my hands and see they're shaking, a sign I'm going to break down soon just like I did seven years ago. "D-don't come closer." I say with a quiet voice, my eyes never leaving the ground. "Jace please just get mom." I whisper as I start shaking more, I slowly look up and see Magnus and Jace are both gone.

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