At a young age when you enter your first relationship you think you are in love, and that all you need is right in front of you. As a person we go through many stages of love, one stage of course is just the infatuation of love. When it's not love at all, its lust and inexperience, because of the fact that the individual has never experienced any contact with another person in that manner causes an uproar up different emotions which at the time you didn't even know you had. This is normal though, this is a step in life that prepares you for the next person for the next level in the future. Each relationship is different and has different stages of feeling, some maybe extremely emotional to the point you become so attached to the person you can't image life without them in it. As well there are the relationships that are halfcocked and didn't mean anything in the first place. I mean you may even forget about the existence of this person at some point, I know for a fact that I have done so myself. These experiences make us to who we are though and how we act around others, it's amazing how emotions have affect the human mind, such a fragile organ that we have in our complex bodies with complex feelings bounce around at a thousand miles per second. Keep that all in mind for your future self as well.
End of the Rope
Romansalove once at its peak then has a drastic fall, for not just the loved one but the psyche of said person as well