Be Careful What You Wish For

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"Be Careful What You Wish For"

 “Be careful what you wish for, you may receive it? Ha! This is ridiculous!” Juliette said loudly in the school library reading the first quotation sentence of the Monkey’s Paw, a classic horror story written by W.W. Jacobs. Everyone turned and stared at her. She was bashful and she ran away without noticing that she took the book with her. This is how everything begins.

Juliette Vary Uglee, the sixteen-year-old only child of her parents, five foot three inches tall, about 80 kilograms, with brown and a messy curly hair, obvious red rosy cheek with huge oldies glasses and braces et cetera. And she is southpaw. She loves her parents more than anything. Some people said that she resembles Ugly Betty. After all, her middle and last name spells as “Very Ugly”. Despite the fact that Juliette is a bookish and homely girl, she is just like any other living homo sapiens, wishing someday her dream will come true, wishing someday she’ll get all the attentions and to be famous. More specifically, to be a Pop Diva. Everyone thinks that it’s a joke, including her parents, poor Juliette. She kept her dream tucked away inside her.

But then again, everything changed when Juliette found an old and plain bookmark placed in between the book. She found the bookmark when she was day dreaming while flipping the pages of the book. There are words written on the bookmark, it says “Make a wish”. She thought that it was silly to believe such things, silly to believe that this genie will appear before her after she rub the bookmark and will grant her three wishes, but still she made her wish, she said, “I wish to be a superstar!” . As expected, nothing really happened. So she tore the bookmark into pieces and entered into her classroom. Abruptly, something doozy happened the image of her classroom begins to fade and she blacked out. The last thing she remembered was she was making a wish.

When she woke up, the classroom turned into a luxury condominium. She quickly walked towards the mirror and took a glance of herself .She was wearing silk nightwear and she was skinny. Her skin was tanned like J Lo’s and her hair was straightened! “Oh my good god, I look stunning!” Juliette said.  And she did feel that she grew slightly older and seductive. And yes, she did grow five years older. She was overjoyed. A moment later, a huge LCD television screen popped out from somewhere was on. On the screen, a girl asked Juliette the branded clothes she would like to wear to attend for The Ellen Show. That girl is Juliette’s personal assistant. Awhile later, another person appeared, asking her about the food she would like to have for breakfast. It was her personal cook! Then finally Juliette went back to her senses. She pinched and slapped her face hard because she thought that she was dreaming, but it wasn’t a dream, it’s real! She looked around the condominium, her portrait was placed everywhere in her condominium and she has many Oscar and Billboard Award trophies. “I love this life!” Juliette said.

            Now Juliette has everything that money can buy in this world – fancy cars, fine wine, sailing, flying first class, black credit cards, pearl necklaces, personal chefs, butlers, all night parties, her own champagne fountains, monogrammed shirts, personal bodyguard, Swiss banking, private jet and more. She is famous and wealthy. Every day there’s limo service and every night the bar owner will reserve a parking spot right next to the bar for her. Juliette gets free champagne in the nightclubs too. She has a charming boyfriend; he is the world’s most famous model. She is high on the hog.

            However, she has to face a hectic schedule every single day. She has to attend interviews, talk shows, debut her new album, touring, onstage performing, and acting and so on. Later, she found out that her parents were involved in a car accident. Her parents died on the way to her luxury condominium. She was brokenhearted. She could not sleep well every night. Juliette would wear her pure white bathrobe after shower and eat sleeping pills before she hit the hay. Sometimes, she would overdose herself with sleeping pills because she can’t sleep. Every second, paparazzi will be watching her and stalker will follow her where ever she goes. There is no more privacy for Juliette. Besides that, she has to control her diet; she could not eat the food she wanted. So, to overcome these ungodly pressures she took cocaine and she started to get addicted to it. She did not feel right. She felt lonely and empty although she has all the attentions.  Her life was miserable. She lived in this so called “the life she always dreamt of” life for about three months now and she is fed up with living a life like this. She regretted making that wish. And she said, “It’s time to get down to brass tacks.”

The next day, she hired people to search for that book. But it turned out to be a disappointment. She tried and tried again to search for the exact same bookmark but it was nowhere to be found. She remembered that she tore the bookmark back then. She even tried to make a wish without the bookmark but it did not worked. She burst into tears and she said, “I hate this life! I want to go home!” repeatedly. After that, she knows that crying will not solve her problem so she stopped crying and continued to settle things down. Along with her bodyguard, she went back to her secondary school library. Well, drastic times call for drastic measures. She turned the library upside down. Finally, she found the book. Unfortunately, the bookmark was not inside the book. She felt kind of down in the dumps.

She went back home and lay on her bed. Tears were running down from her cheek like waterfall. She took and hugged her pillow tight. Suddenly, she saw the bookmark. All this while, the bookmark had been with her underneath her pillow. The bookmark looks good as new. Without doubt, she said, “I wish I was the old me again!” Poof! Everything went back to normal. Her parents weren’t dead and she was with her oldies glasses and braces again. She was in high spirit.

 Juliette knows that she was barking up the wrong tree. So, she decided to be a writer instead of being a superstar. She wrote a novel with the title “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it!”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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