Oh shit that didnt go how i wanted

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Well I just mashed the second and third chapter together so it could be longer so here is the new and hopefully improved chapter two!!!!************************

am very bored needs more friends or friends who will anwser their phones *sigh*



"linz who is at the door?" we heard from upstairs.

"Crap," I muttered


"Guys, just stay here and try not to break anything and i'll be right back." I whispered at the five boys standing in front of me. I quickly grabbed a root beer (ya ya I know it is morning time and your not supposed to drink soda in the morning, but hey, I was thirsty and root beer is amazing) and raced back up the stairs. When I got to the top I saw one of my best freinds and my younger sister staring at me. "Oh, hey guys," I said giving an akward half wave at them trying to look all nonchalant. If I really try I might be able to convince them to go back to bed, I wish I knew how to hypnotize people cause then I could make them do my bidding.

"Who was at the door? I heard guy voices," Veronica infoms my sister. "If you keep letting random guys in the house your going to end up getting kidnapped and i'm going to laugh cause they'll probably just pay me to take you back." She old me with a smirk, at least she brushed her hair that was about rib cage length and a lightish kind of brown. She also got dressed in her normal striped shirt and jeans, hehehe she matches Louis today.

"Ha ha ha, very funny. I kind of know these guys so shush it shorty." I replied to her comment. What? I do kind of know these guys a little bit, ok I may know a lot about them....

"Hey i'm way taller then you!!!!" She anwsered me, shhhhhh she's right but don't tell her that.

"We have been over this you are just a couple inches taller then me. No more, No less." I told her, sticking my tongue out at her. ok so I might not be the most mature person out there...

"Sorry to break up this freindly moment but, did my dear big sister get herself a boy or are my ears deceiving me and that is not british and irish voices I hear?" asked Catera cocking her head so that her shoulder length jet black hair went over her freckled face, showing off her hot pink extentions as she blew the hair out of her face.

"Lindsey just tell us what you did and you wont be in any trouble, I mean its not like you kidnapped One Direction, right?" asked Veronica laughing a little bit. hahaha if only she knew. Well I guess I didn't kidnap them and I didn't do anything illegal. Really all I did was let a bunch of (kind of) strangers in the house......oh god I just let in a bunch of random people I didn't even see who they were before I let them in...

"You guys have so much confidence in me. For your information i didn't do anythi...." I started to say as I broke out of my thoughts, but was cut off when the sound of pots falling came from downstairs.

"LOUIS!!!" We heard a british voice shout. Both of the girls looked at me, then looked at the stairs and bolted down them.

"Great," I wispered to myself. I ran downstairs after hearing a very very very loud scream. By the time I got the bottem of the stairs, Vernica was just standing there staring at the boys like she was frozen. I turned around and tried to hold my sister off of the 3 boys standing in front of them.

"ummmmm...... just wondering, but were is Niall and Louis?" I asked as I looked around.

"Well thats not goo..." Veronica started to say, but was cut off when a crash came from the other room. I slowly walked into the kitchen to find Niall standing on the counter looking in one of my taller shelves and Louis laying on the floor with pots and pans all around him. The pots and pans looked like they had fallen out of the cupboard.

"Lindsey you just shoved the cookware in the cupboard instead put them in nicely, didn't you" Catera asked me as she momentarily forgot that some of her idols were in the room.

"Ok, I did, I really hate doing dishes and puting them away. Lo siento Louis." And being the weird person I am I dropped to my knees and brought my awesome acting skills to work and get me out of trouble. "PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE forgive me Louis i really did'nt mean to I'M SORRY!!!!!! LO SIENTO!!!!!!" I then sat on my butt and pressed my face into my legs. I pretended to cry my butt off to really add the sad factor.

"ummmmmm it's ok.....please stop crying I don't blame you it wasn't your fault........just please stop crying......calm down it was my fault just please stop crying..." Louis said trying to calm me as he came and gave me a hug and patted my back

"Ha, see Catera its not my fault he even says so," I shout at her as I jumped up and started spinning around in circles in the kitchen.

"HEY!!!!! you let me believe that you were really crying..............not cool mate!!!" Louis shouted, stopping my spinning. I gave him one of my oopsies faces and walked to the fridge I opened the fridge as everyone but niall started to migrate around to the dining room area which is semi connected.

"Hey do you want somthing to drink or eat or somthing.....HEY VERONICA!!!!!! CAN I MAKE PANCAKES??????" i asked

"NO!!" She shouted back.


"NO!!" Came an answer from Catera


"NO!!!!!" from Veronica


"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" from Catera

"THATS IT IM MAKING PIZZA!!!!" Shouted Veronica.

"But that's not a breakfast food?" said Catera Apparently questioning her logic.

"So?" was the response.

"YAY!"i shout cause pizza is seriously a great thing to behold at any time of the day!


Ok so this one is all edited and good now

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2014 ⏰

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