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After I brought  pizza from a near by pizza shop, on my way back home I thought about my stupid act of bravery. The very attractive group of boys seemed to be friends with  the guy I was accused  of  stalking last night. Maybe I was overeating but what can I say my hunger was talking. Plus if I didn't  get food for my mom then she will actually start eating our neighbours for lunch.

Hopefully ,  I will not be seeing  them any time soon. Although that will be impossible since I live in the same neighbourhood as them. Sometimes I wonder if life just didn't  like me.

Before I even notice I was right in front  of my door. I knock because I didn't  have the keys plus my hands were holding the freshly made pinapple pizza. Most people don't like it, but me and my mom love it. After a little while my mom opens the door and grabs the pizza before I could even say anything. One thing that my mom loved more than anything is food. When we finished eating my mom turned the volume of the TV down and looked directly at me. "What did I do?" I ask unsure and she smiles sadly and says "I have a business trip..." and before she says anything a else I cut her off "but you said that after dad...., that you would work from home".

"I'm sorry dear, but what can I do. The company is  going crazy without your dad to help out. I'm the only option that they have and this is for dad. He wanted to help people. This was his dream." Deep down I knew that my mom was having a harder time dealing  with this than anyone else. Maybe I'm being selfish "I understand" was all that could say in this situation. I tried not to show how sad I was to mom so I gave the same smile that she gave me at the start. Then I stood up and gave the excuse  of saying that I'm tired and I have school tomorrow.

The next day, I woke up early and started preparing for my new school. I wore a random white tshirt that said bye,  a long jean skirt with buttons going down, trainers and a black school bag. My curly dark brown hair was tied up  in a messy bun and after that I used jel to lay down my baby hairs. Because it was cold outside I brought my dark brown long coat. Looking at the time it was 07:30 then I went downstairs to go eat breakfast and prepare lunch. Which was going to be nutty brown bread with butter as the first layer then Nutella and to finish it off I added some random jam on top. This would probably be a weird combo but it's the most delicious combination I have ever made.

After eating breakfast, I looked at the time again and realised  that I was going to be late for the bus. So I grab my bag and phone and run out. As I was running I see the bus stop and the bus getting closer so I run faster. I show my buss pass to the driver and find a seat. The buss was half full and there weren't many seats except for the one seat next to a creepy looking middle aged man and one next to a guy wearing a hoody. I picked my choice and sat next to the one wearing a hoody before someone  else takes the seat. It was  going to be a 10 minute ride to school.

10 minutes had gone past and it was finally  my stop. The other teenagers at the back were making so much noise  that I was developing a headache.  Honestly how loud can those people be! Clearly annoyed I get off the bus and start walking towards the school gate. Heading for the head office to get my locker number and timetable, I see a glimpse off the other classrooms.

"Hello, my name is April Reed and I'm here to get my timetable and locker  number." I say to the woman behind the front desk and she gives me a smile. Then gets my stuff and says something very odd " remember to always to think carefully  of what you say" and I reply with a nod before going out.

After shutting  the head office door, the bell rings and it was time for form. This was in room CG07 with Mrs William, which was one of the rooms that I passed on my way here. This might be my lucky day. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door, this is it my chance of changing.

And the second I open the door after hearing some sort of noise, thinking that it meant come in. A chair comes flying at me and everything goes in slow motion  as I try to protect my head.

I know I can't reveal who I am, so I must let the chair hit me. Then just like that time turns back to normal and,  the next thing I know is a sharp agonising pain in my stomach and I start yelling and cursing like there is no tomorrow.

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