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I jerk awake. Today was the day, of the choosing of all three villages. The Human Village which I resided in. Yeah I was just a human nothing special. Then there was the Werewolf Villiage and the Vampire Village. Particularly I stayed clear of them both. I feared supernatural creatures. Most humans did. Because we know their power. And if we were ever to wage a war with either of the villages we would lose terribly. Simply because the contrast to them we lack powers. Everything in this world was all about power. Anyways back to what today is. Three young ladies from the ages to 18 to 27 will be chosen to go to the Kingdom of Asteria to compete in a series of games to win a King's son heart. It happens every 20 years when a Prince comes of age to mature and get a wife. The cycle continuously continues. Its been happening for centuries. Far beyond when I was born. Now I'm 20 and i actually am experiencing the year of the games. And I am now eligible to be chosen for a slight chance at royalty. But I highly doubt that I will be chosen. Those who are not chosen can gather at this place... I forget what's its called but they can watch the competition of the games there.


Aw crap! I wasn't out of my bed yet.

"No shit sherlock, than get the hell out of bed then!" My conscience spoke mentally in my head.

I hurriedly made up my bed. Brushed my teeth and got dressed. I wore a dark purple village dress with my black shawl, whlie I let my long black hair fall behind my back. And yes I was an orphan. My parents died when I was 12 by a Weregonire. A Hybrid creature. A scary crossbreed between a Werewolf, Vampire, And here's a new one! A dragon. That's why I loathe supernatural creatures. So if I was chosen today I would strongly hope the prince I'm fighting for was nothing but human.


"Yes ma'am! Coming!" I called. I sprayed a little of vanilla scented perfume and rushed down stairs.

When I arrived downstairs Mrs. Laura was standing there with her arms crossed and a sour expression plastered on her face.

I huffed and looked down at the wooden floor bracing myself for a scolding for taking to much time to get ready.

"Come let's get on our horses and go before we are truly late. Mrs. Laura said, surprisingly not getting on to me.

We quickly went to the stables. When we reached the entrance and saw the two horses eating grass. One male and one female. Poseidon and Morning Light. We began walking to our horses and saddling them up. My horse was Poseidon a blue roan horse. The male horse. Name after the Greek god because of the color he was and also it was said that Poseidon happened to be the god of horses. While Mrs. Laura's horse was a palamino. A light bage horse with a white mane and tail. Name mostly after her light colored features. Soon we were done saddling and we began heading towards the 10 minute trail to the Gathering Place were the Choosing ceremony would be held.

As we got closer you. Could hear people anxiously chatting, with a hint of anticipation.

Suddenly something in the distance caught my eyes. There were two girls on horses. I strained to take a closer look at them, coaxing Poseidon to keep moving foward.  It wasn't long before I recognize those two girls to be my two bestfriends. They were waving wildly at me. I turned to Mrs. Laura to asked permission to go towards them.

"Yes you may, but make sure you make it to the Gathering Place. Were not far from there anyways. I can hear voices of the crowd."

"Yes ma'am." Was all I said and and gave Poseidon the order to gallop towards them.

45 DAYS: THE GAMES OF THE NIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now