He Is Mine

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*Mingyu P.O.V*

"Shit,my phone died."I groaned and rolled around my bed. I messed my hair thinking about the party that Minseok is holding tonight. I was planning to text Wonwoo so we could go together but this small brain of mine couldn't function properly last night and left my phone unCHARGED.

After a few minutes of just laying around and being productive, I got up and searched for my precious charger. Charging my dead phone is like giving CPR to a drowning person. "Interesting,Kim." I said to myself. I'm one lonely weirdo.

Not long after, I heard knocking at my front door. I groaned once again and sloppily dragged my body downstairs.

I peeked through a hole and saw the back of someone's head. The person's back was facing the door and he was holding a book. Somehow, he looked similar to Wonwoo.

I grinned thinking that he bought me a book. I don't really read,but if Wonwoo wants me to read I'll legit repeat the book like 5 times.

I put my palms in front of my mouth and examined my breath. "Yikes. No kisses this morning, I guess." I hurriedly opened the door, not wanting for my dear Romeo to wait longer, but only to be greeted by another boring human being. Not Wonton.

"Seok,what the fuck." I stared at him with bored eyes. Minseok grinned and inched closer. "Wow, I can't believe how smooth that expression transition go. Aren't you supposed to squeal and hug me? Minnie?" I flicked his forehead and giggled at his hurt reaction.

"Sure, but when it's not like 6 in the fucking morning. You disturbed my beauty sleep. "I massaged my temples,raising a brow at him. He chuckled and piched my cheeks.

"I knew you were already awake silly. I came here to return your notes." He stretched his arm that was holding the book while I passed him a look. How'd he know? "Couldn't you just give it once I'm at school?"

"Nah,I also want to walk you to school." I thought for a minute before speaking."Actually Seok,I'm going with Wonwoo. I'll ask him if you can join-"

  "No-no!Wonwoo told me to walk you to school. He went early. "I raised an eyebrow, feeling disappointed.
"Without me?"I pouted."Yeah. Without you."He nodded a little too aggresively. But hey, atleast he sent Minseok to accompany me so I won't look like a lonely loner.

    I turned my head back and examined my house. My parents are out of town and my sister is spending the week at her boyfriend's and so I'm supposed to become a temporary unpaid maid for the time being. I looked at Minseok who was looking at me intently.

"But I haven't showered yet. Could you wait?"I flashed a small smile."Sure,but you-"

"In the meantime,can you clean the living room for me? I'll treat you lunch."I blinked rapidly and clung onto his arm.

  After realising how close our faces were,I jumped back and displayed and awkward smile.You have a boyfriend Mingyu. He might be at school waiting for you only to realise you're hoeing around with your bestie.

I didn't look at him but I could faintly hear him smirking. Is that even possible? With Kim Mingyu,yes.

"So,are you on it?"I asked with an awkward smile."Sure. Be quick."I quickly ran upstairs as soon as he got inside. Oohhh. That was dangerous Mingyu.

*Third Person P.O.V*

The guy dropped his bag and clenched his fists while gritting his teeth. His face was so hot he could explode right there.

He went to Wendy's to buy food for his boyfriend only to see his cursed ex there with him. It was like seeing a demon and an angel,and together, they will cause the messiest mess ever.

Not only did he broke his heart,he's also trying to win Mingyu's heart. He scoffed thinking of that."Does he think he has a chance?"He kicked a pebble out of frustration. And to add more to his anger, Minseok stole his cheeseburger on their first date which he brushed off but now? He has to pay.

Like come on, it's only 2 dollars.

"Park Minseok. Why are you doing this?"He crouched down and ruffled his hair before looking at the poor bag.

"I should tell him soon."He sighed,taking a burger and the bag before getting up and walking away.


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