ღ chapter one ღ

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*Ellè POV*

So today was just a regular day. Serving customers at Starbucks was my job. Punters came in and out, just 3 more hours until I could go home. I was a quiet, private person and didn't really have many friends.

I noticed a group of teenage boys hanging about outside, they were all dressed in black. After a while, they gave eachother a 'bro hug' and went thier seperate ways. I seen one of them walk inside, I was hoping he would go to the cashier next to me, but he walked up to my till. I was terrified.

"One latte for Michael"

I noticed this boy had gorgeous brown eyes and his brown hair put into a perfect quiff.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it was rude to stare"

I suddenly snapped out my daydream, shit I was starring right at him.

"Oh erm- sorry, one latte coming up"

I went to the back to make his drink. I looked back and he was tapping away on his iPhone. I sighed as I reluctantly walked back over to him. As I passed him the drink, our hands marely touched. We shared a breif smile and he pulled out some money.

"Keep the change"

And with that he walked out. Strange...

*Michael POV*

I walked out of Starbucks, man that cashier was hot. I pulled out my phone and I had a text off an Unknown number...


You best watch your back Sutthakorn, we're coming for you, we know your little deal with Mia.

I knew exactly who it was...

I dialled Dans number. He picked up within the frist 3 rings.

"Man, what the fuck do you want?"

"Dan, George is on our case"

I heard him cough, it sounded like he chocked on a drink.

"What! Why? We haven't had trouble with him for ages"

"Yeah, but Aiden had trouble with Mia, use your fucking brain"

"Shit, she told them?"

"Well they are in a gang together, we need a group meeting, now"

With that, I hung up and stormed down the road. These next few months would be fun...

*Mia POV*

I was shaken. Never would I of thought Aiden, out of everyone in that gang, would do that. I came back to the gang house in such a state. I came in quietly hoping nobody would hear me, but George came boucing down the stairs. He looked at me confused and I tried not to make eye contact. But that just failed. He grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"You've been crying"

I shook my head vicously. He scoffed a little.

"You think you can lie to me"

I sighed, I thought it would just be best to leave it.

"George, just leave it out, I'm fine"

"No! Mia, you best tell me where you've been, what happened to honesty?"

I thought it would be the best thing to tell him. After all, he'd always been there for me.

"I was with Aiden"

I sighed. I tried to look down put he kept a strong grip of my chin.

"As in Aiden Hannock?"

I swallowed and nodded. Suddenly, his eyes turned dark.

"Why the FUCK where you with him?"


"Don't tell me your pally with them, don't you know anything? They are bad, Mia. What happend-"

I heard enough, getting spoken to about being loyal annoyed me, George out of all people should know I wouldn't go behind his back.


He suddenly stopped blabbling on, he loosed his grip on my chin and I felt the tears coming back. He pushed me back onto the sofa and stormed out...

Fuck, I messed up big time.

*George POV*

I was furious. I was raging. I could fucking kill him! I got over protective when it came to Mia, even though she was more than capable of managing herself.

I pulled out my phone and decided to text Michael. He won't know whats hit him when I get revenge on him and his sick, pathetic gang.

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Thank you for reading the first chapter! It means so much to us. There are two of us writing this fanfiction so yeah, it's all good. It might seem pretty shit and rushed now but believe us, it's gonna get heated.

Thank you again, love youu x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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