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Four am in the Los Angeles institute, normally was a quiet time, with its' few inhabitants all asleep. But this day was different; Helen Blackthorn-Penhallow was wide awake in the office that she shared with her wife Aline.

On her desk were four photographs, one held a picture of her siblings; Mark, Julian, Livia, Tiberius, Drusilla, Octavian, Julian's then Parabiti Emma and herself, frozen in time when they were younger, before Jules and Emma fell in love and before Livia was killed.

Another held a photograph of her father Andrew and her stepmother Eleanor, she had a photograph of her mother Nerissa and the last was of her and Aline on their wedding day.

Also on her desk were her laptop and a steaming cup of tea. Helen was doing a very mundane thing indeed, online shopping. She and Aline were looking into adopting a baby and they hadn't got anything suitable for a baby in the institute. So, here she was, at four am looking at baby things.

Helen picked up the photo of her siblings and ran her thumb over Livvy's face. She missed her sister greatly. She would have loved being an aunt. Helen knew that Ty and Dru could see Livvy's ghost but no matter how hard she and the others tried, they couldn't.

"I wish you were here Livs," Helen murmured

At that moment, a book flew off a shelf and landed on the floor with a flunk. Helen snapped her head up, looking around the office.

"Is anyone there?" Silence

"Jules? Aline?"

A little head with curly hair popped out from behind where the book had fallen.

"Tavvy, what are you doing up?" Helen got up and walked to the little boy and knelt down.

"I couldn't sleep," He said sleepily and held his arms up wanting his sister to pick him up.

Smiling gently, Helen put her arms under his and lifted him easily, settling him on her hip, placing a kiss to his curly hair as she did so. She carried him to her desk and sat back down, moving him to her lap.

"What are you looking at?" Tavvy asked curiously eyeing the screen

"Well," Helen started "Aline and I are looking into adopting a baby,"

"Like Alec and Magnus?" he tipped his head up to meet his sister's gaze

"That's right,"

Tavvy furrowed his eyebrows thinking "Could I play with them?"

"Not straight away buddy, he or she will be too tiny to play with but I will need your help with them,"

"Like cuddles?" He asked eagerly

"Exactly! Do you know anyone who's good at giving good cuddles?" Helen asked him


She smiled "Are you sure? Maybe you better give me one so I can see for myself,"

Tavvy giggled and cuddled his big sister tightly. Helen wound her arms around his little body and held him closely.

"You are definitely the best cuddler in the World,"

Tavvy smiled and yawned, rubbing his eyes. Helen saved her search and closed her laptop down before getting up to take Tavvy back to his room. Turning out the small lamp on her desk, Helen held him on her hip and picked up her mug of now cold tea. She padded quietly through the halls of the institute. As she had done her entire life, minus the last five years. She knew the place like the back of her hand. It helped that everyone still had the same bedrooms since she was banished. Helen nudged Tavvy's bedroom door open gently and saw his little night light was still on and his bed was still unmade from where he had climbed out. Setting her mug down on his set of drawers, Helen lay her smallest brother in his bed and sat down beside his bed. She pulled his blankets over him and stroked his hair as she had done when he was a baby.

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