Chapter 5

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*next week*

Ally's P.O.V.

I said goodbye to Emma and hopped on the train. i wouldnt see her until we played in Edinburgh, but we promised to keep in touch.  To be honest i knew i would miss her, she was my best friend, i asked jayne if Emma could come along as like a groupie but no success, all i  managed was a couple of backstage passes which Emma seemed happy enough.

I waved at her until I couldnt see her anymore and then i settled down, and began to become excited about the first rehearsal. i would finally get to meet everyone, i missed the get-together last week because i was at home so i missed out.

i couldnt wait to see who else i would be touring with , and i also whated to see jay again since i didnt get to talk to him before.

Jay's P.O.V.

it was six o clock in the morning but the house was alive. i kept putting off getting out of bed, but we had to be at the hall for half past seven. i dragged myself out of the bed, and went downstairs.

nathan was in the kitchen drinking tea, tom in the living room snoring, siva up staris primping, and by the singing i guess max was in the shower.

Yawning i said "morning"

"you look as fresh as a daisy " nathan remarked.

i flopped down beside him with cereal and ate it.

*45 minutes later*

everyone was piled into the car and we started for the hall, still yawning. we walked up to the rehearsal hall where all the band was setting up.

"boys"jayne called "meet your coregrapher." she was standing beside a guy who was dressed as if to dance, then i copped on, we were dancing on the tour. nathan saw his friend , Liv i think and went over to her. there was no sign of the guitarist anywhere. the drummer was there though, great. also was a girl tuning a violin talking to the american.

It was eight o clock before we began to get started.

"boys!"the coregrapher,Dan called to us "over here".

we all lined up, while the band were stilling setting up, when a girl walked. it was her.

"sorry" i heard her say to jayne, as she walked over to the other musicians.

Two hours later we were all nearly collapsing,ok the five of us were nearly collapsing. dan said we deserved a fifteen minute break.

 "hiya" i said walking over the girl. she looked up.

"hi....em jay?" she asked, smiling a bit. she remembered my name, yes.

"you remembered my name, but i dont know yours." i added, smirking.

"ally" she stood up , giggling and shook my hand. "nice to meet you".

"so, im guessing your scottish." i tell her, then thinking,that im a idiot.

"What gave it away?"she asked, laughing

"the accent, but also the ginger hair."i said smiling,

"what?!" she ran to the mirror, and saw that she was still a gorgeous brunette" funny" she said sarcastically.

i had five minutes until the break finished, and we would have to start  "dancing" again.

"so did you leave a boyfriend back home?" i asked,casually, but nathan's eyebrow was raised pretty high, i looked at him.

"em no actually,you?" she asked, leaning back.

"nope" i lied without meaning to, nathan choked on the water he was drinking." you ok mate?"i asked him  giving him a waring look.

"yep, are you?" he retorted.

"perfect!" i told him. "no, i dont have  a girlfriend." i said turing back to ally.

"cool" she replied.

As if on  cue, tammi came through the door,the saying true. speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

"hiya sweetie" she made a beeline for me and kissed me. when that was finished i saw that ally was talking to the drummer, peter, nathan was shaking his head.

"shut up." i muttered to him.



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