Ch:4- So Batman DOESN'T Have Any Friends

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Things that happen here: Deathy magicalism


I was tagged so...

2. Definitely not 

3. None

4. Single

5. Ilinear equation

6. None

7. Fem Percy x dick Grayson 

8. Ilinear equation 

9. Counting stars by one republic 

10. 49%

11. Simba 

12. Percy Jackson 

13. 26 November 

14.    Acrazedwriter













Totally doesn't exist








When Nicole reached the orphanage, she was ushered in by a old woman.

 You know how orphanages are advertised.

All warm and fuzzy? 

It's not really like that. It's more of a prision.

Some people know they have short sentences and are full of hope and happiness. 

For the others, its life with parole. 

The teenagers, ones too old to talk abouth their imaginary friends and how the whole world is just sunshines and rainbows, well, if they are lucky they get chucked out and work a blue collar job. 

But this is Gotham so more often than not they end up getting used by gangs. 

Nicole was put with one such girl named Trix. 

It was too much like an alias of a  stripper in Nicole's opinion but who was she to judge.

 "Okay listen up punk" commented the older girl,fingering one of many piercings on her face "This is my joint and that means my rules apply."

 Nicole murmured her understanding, not wanting to get in a turf war when she was going to leave soon anyway. 

One way or another. 

If Batsy's mysterious friend did not show up Nicole would run away in two or three days.

 She fell went to sleep shortly after as she  had arrived too late for dinner. 

The next morning Nicole 'woke up'. 

She hadn't really slept at all. 

She wanted to make sure she didnt wake the rest of the block with her screames of terror. After all, a lone demigod who has gone through a war can't not have some traumatic experiences.

Nicole went to the cafeteria. 

What little appetite the daughter of hades had quickly dissipated at the sight, and smell, of the  disgusting gruel.

 She made to go out for a walk and see the situation of the coty of madness but was stopped by the matron.

"And where exactly do you think you are going, young lady?" Questioned he woman. 

"Out." Came Nicoles simple response.

 "I dont think so, child. There are some rules that have to be followed about when we can go out" chastised the Matron. 

Huh. So this was a prison after all.

 At that exact moment a limo pulled up outside. 

Nicole bit back a groan when she saw it.

 I mean we get it , you're a rich guy but couldn't you get something more inconspicuous. NO, of course not.

 I mean if he came here in a ducati one might mistake him for a billionaire playboy instead of the billionaire playboy. 

And such a tragedy that would be.

 While Nicole was stuck in her musings- that styxed ADHD- the legendary CEO Bruce Wayne stepped out.

"Mr.Wayne! Wha an honour to see you here..." 

Nicole zoned out through most of the matron's rambling. 

She had heard enough of the same stuff from the souls of the underworld. Despite common belief listening to groveling can get tiring. 

This was made obvious when Wayne made a gesture to shut the woman up which she ,displaying an astounding amount of intelligence, actually did. 

"Now, I want to adopt a kid. Maybe around 14 years of age?" Said the Bat-billionaire 

"Of course,Mr. Wayne"said old Mrs. Butkiss "But would you like to see some of the dear children right now? Perhaps a boy?"

Nicole didn't miss the change in tone at 'children'. She didn't doubt that the gazillionaire noticed it too.

"Ahh no. Four boys already are too many. A girl"he said decisively. "Umm, how about her?" He said waving a noncommittal hand towards Nicole.

Nicole was sceptical. "just like that?" She questioned.

" Just like that." Confirmed Batsy.


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