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I've never felt a game like that, they've definitely improved since Deathrow. Wait... where is this?

When he woke up, Chan could see nothing but white tiled walls and an equally as clinical-looking door along with a mirror on the wall opposite him. He could've sworn he was at home when he logged in to Diamond, but this wasn't even somewhere he was familiar with, let alone his own bedroom. He got up, somehow mustering the courage to take small, careful steps towards the door, taking a deep breath. He slowly pushed the door open, only to be met with a boy who, Chan guessed, was probably fresh out of high school.

The boy screamed.

Chan didn't blame him, really. He was dressed from head to toe in black, pale skin, probably severely sleep deprived... his mum had frequently told him he looked like something akin to the walking dead at the best of times, he wasn't surprised the poor kid got scared.

The young boy stopped screaming, rather just standing and staring at Chan for a few seconds.
"Who are you?"
"The name's Chris. Or Chan. Whichever works better for you," Chan answered, "And you?"
"Jeongin," he replied shyly, "Where are we?"
"No idea."
"That's helpful."
Chan laughed weakly, "We might find out if we look around."
He started walking down the corridor, gesturing for Jeongin to follow him. The same pure white tiled walls seemed to follow them wherever they went, until they reached what seemed to resemble some sort of meeting room. Black leather chairs sat around a pristine glass table, the room still bordered with the same white tiled walls as the rest of the building. Chan found himself lost in his thoughts, trying to take in every detail of the place, attempting to piece together an idea of where the might be.
"My guess is that this place hasn't had a lot of use," a voice Chan had never heard before sounded from the doorway.
He turned around to face the man, not intending to give him a rather annoyed glare as he did so
"And you are?" Chan asked.
"You're agressive, aren't you?" the man giggled, "I'm Minho. Minho Lee. What's your name, handsome?"
"Chan, or Chris," he replied, "And this is Jeongin."
Chan turned around, only to realise that the younger boy was now under the table, obviously trying to look for something. Jeongin stood up, eyes widening when he saw Minho, stuttering out a greeting.
"Sorry," he smiled nervously, "I was just wondering if I could find something under the table."
The two others smiled back at him, before Chan turned back to Minho.
"You said the place hasn't really been used," he started, "How do you know?"
"Easy," Minho answered, "Everything is pristine, including the walls and floor. You'd expect some discoloration between the tiles if this place was in frequent use."
He walked past Chan and Jeongin, towards the table. He slowly ran a finger across the surface.
"No dust," he observed, "I'm right. This place hasn't had much human contact at all."

"Human contact? What are you, an alien?"

The other three boys looked over to the door to see another quite short figure standing there.
"And who might you be?" Minho asked, raising a brow in a rather arrogant manner.
"Changbin, and where the fuck are we?"
"We don't know either," Chan replied, "We know as much as you do."
Changbin seemed to calm down then.
"Is there anyone else here?" He asked quietly, contrary to his manner of speaking before.
"Have you see anyone else?" Minho questioned.
"Then no."
"We can't just assume there's no one else," Jeongin piped up, "I mean, there's a whole corridor of rooms we haven't looked in yet."
"What are we meant to do? Open every single door and hope someone's there?" Changbin grumbled.
"Yes, that's exactly what we do," Minho rolled his eyes, "There's nine doors, and we came out of four of them. By that logic, there's someone behind each of those doors."
"And how do you know there's nine of them?"
Minho sighed, "I counted, that and they're numbered. We opened one, two, six and seven, that leaves three, four, five, eight and nine. But believe me we're just as disorient-"
Changbin cut him off.


"There's something wrong in this room."


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