Chapter 11

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Om my gosh! I'm sooo sorry you guys. If I made you wait, please forgive me! I love you guys and all your comments. Sorry it's so short but, I thought I would give you something(:

Fan, Comment, Vote, SMILE<333


Warmth splashed onto my cheeks and I smiled at it. My eyelids fluttered then opened, I felt a hot arm around my waist. I looked down at Cain's arm wound around my torso. There was something safe and comforting about it, I shook away the thought. Once again reality crashed down on me, making me shiver in the warm sunlight.
    I carefully slipped out from under his embrace. His breathing stopped for a moment before returning to a normal rhythm. I changed quickly in black shorts and a band tee I found near the bed. I neared the window next to his bed, planning to hop out when a scratchy voice stopped me. "Where do you think your going?" Cain's raspy morning voice called.
   I slid the barely opened window shut, sighing. "Nowhere." I said, lips slipping into a pout. "That's what I thought." He replied, stretching then standing up. My gaze flickered over to the clock which read 7 O'clock.  "Come on lazy, we're gonna be late." I chastised him, skipping to the bathroom.
  I did my quick morning routine and skidded down the stairs. Jake and Casey were sitting in the kitchen, giggling about something. I shot them a smile and shooed them into the car as Cain bounded down the stairs. I smiled at his handsomeness, then cursed myself. I realized I was still staring at him only when his green eyes appeared in front of mine. "We're gonna be late." He teased, smirking. I gave him a dubious look in return and fled to the car. 
  His sleek, black Miata grumbled as he punched the gas. The car lurched forward with a burst of speed before slowing to a normal pace. We reached Cambridge in no time and soon enough we neared Autumn High's doors. The warning bell squealed as I took Cain's hand, yanking him along with me. Our feet flew across the tile floors, barely creating a squeak. We had just reached the door when another shiver ran over me. My Hood! I stopped abruptly and since my hand was still curled around Cain's he was pulled to a stop as well.
  "Well, come on." He insisted, tugging on my hand. "Err, Hood?" My tone was questioning. He was still facing the other direction and trying to tug me when he replied. "Yes, you look beautiful. Let's go." My breath stopped and his tugging ceased. He turned to face me, cheeks red. "I can't go to class. I'm leaving" I said, sighing. His blush faded and a frown graced his face.
  "Not alone your not." I rolled my eyes and tried to break his hold on my hand. After a moment of fighting, I turned and started walking off the premises. "What do you wanna do?" He questioned as he started the car. A bright smile lit up my face. "Anything!" I cried, letting out a carefree laugh.
   So for the rest of the day we played like little kids at a nearby park. We raced to the swings and shoved each other down the slides. It was one of the best times I'd had in a very long time. It's been so long since I was worry-free and smiling.
   "Are you sure your having fun?" I asked as I swiftly jumped from the swings. "Seeing you have fun is fun." I could hear a crowd in my head 'Awhhh.' and I smiled at him shyly.
   We went to the beach next, running barefooted across the sand. As the sun hung low in the sky, I suggested that we go home. Cain seemed down but, agreed. We made it in time to pick up Casey and Jake just as their school bell rang. After telling them about our eventful day, we all shared a laugh in the usually quiet car.
  We arrived home quicker than expected and Cain gave me a better tour of the house. My exploration yesterday wasn't as detailed as Cain's. I held a smile all night which surprised me even more. Casey would steal glances at me over dinner and smile even wider at the happy atmosphere that surrounded me.
  The day passed so fast I nearly got whiplash and the smile was never wiped from my face. Even Clara seemed pleasantly surprised. Before I knew it I was tromping into Cain's bedroom and flopping down on the bed. "Ahh," I breathed. The bed springs squeaked as Cain fell next to me. "Today was a great day." I complimented. "Right?" He said back, grinning.
  I turned my head and kissed him softly before snuggling under the blankets. When did life get so good? As my mind lulled down a wave of panic flooded over me. What are we going to do about dad? Will he come for us? How will I protect Casey? My thoughts drifted away into an uneasy sleep.


  I stretched my legs out and tossed my arms over my head. Where was I? I stole a glance about the room. "Morning," A deep voice breathed in my ear. "WOAH!" I yelped, falling off the bed. I hit the hardwood floor with a loud thud. Cain peered over the edge, green eyes the only thing I could see.
  He leaned out farther, "Sorry." He muttered, not sounding sorry at all. "Yeah, Yeah." I quipped, with a slight laugh. I stood up and brushed myself off. He laid back on the bed and threw an arm over his eyes. "Come on, slow poke." I said, jabbing his side. He jumped slightly and gave me a pouting face. "Nope, puppy dog eyes won't work today." I replied, tapping his nose with one finger.
  He chortled and stood up as well, pulling me into a tight hug. Someone's lovey today. "Down boy." My voice lilted while I patted his back. He laughed again and pulled away leaving the room.
  I ran a hand through my major bed- head. I dropped back down on the matress, hearing a crinkle of paper. Huh? What's this? I pulled the wrinkled paper out from under my back and sat up. It was a piece of folded and now crinkled notebook paper. I unfolded the paper slowly.
  The words floated up from the paper, smashing themselves into my brain. My body dropped to the wood floor and the whole room contorted while I zeroed in on the paper. My personal hell. I knew it, Why? Why couldn't I have been wrong? A single tear dropped from my eye, giving the paper a small wet spot.
  "Hey Kat. You can go u- Kat?" He dropped down next to me on the floor. With shaky hands and swallowed sobs I held out the paper for him. He took it cautiously. I knew as he was reading the words and his mind wouldn't comprehend that they were serious, that their letters formed a path to my demise.
  The scrunched up paper dropped from his hands and he pulled me close. I eyed the letter from over his back. It sat on the floor, feigning innocence. I read the words one last time.

'Oh Sweetheart, Why did you run? Now papa is angry. He is very angry like when mommy left. And he will find you. Be good. 
                                                                                                                     Love, Daddy.'

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