Friends Right?

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New school ,New start. That's what mum said,she's a teacher and having just lost her last job she thinks Waterloo Road willbe a great opportunity for us both. I don't know to be honest,new teachers,friends,area,routine. Seems a lot of work if you ask me.

"Jen are you ready yet? we have to leave NOW!" Mum called from the bottom of the stairs,we have like 15 minutes,she just doesnt want to make a bad first impression. 

"Yeah I'm coming" I said flying downstairs.

"Oh tuck your shirt in,I don't want people thinking my daughter is a mess."

For God sakes. This woman drives me mad sometimes,she want everything perfect it's annoying.

We pulled up to the school just at the same time as the headteacher Mr Byrne. Fab

"Hello,you must be Kate Wallace our new English teacher? And your daughter Jennifer?" He asked.

"That's Right." Mum smiled. While I half heartily said hello. 

"Well Kate,You can follow me to the staff room and.." He pointed at me. "Can go to the common room if you like? Its through those double doors,up the first set of stairs and to the right? I'm sure there are some kids already up there?"

"Yeah sure." I said walking in the direction he pointed me in. I could feel mum giving the back of my head daggers for my cheek. I didn't care she new I didn't want to move away from dads. Mum and Dad split 2 years ago and now i can't even see dad at the weekends unless i want to get a 40 minute train to Edinburgh every Saturday my self,which is unlikely. I walked into the common room,looking around only seeing about 7 other people ,none of which were talking and clearlywhere all waiting for friends. I had none here anyway,so I went and sat down on one of the sofas across from a boy who looked about in the same year as me. I pulled out my phone checking nothing in particular,just didn't want to be doing nothing.

"You new here?" The boy said making me look up,he was English?.

"Me? yeah. Mum's a new English teacher,hence why I'm here an hour before form." I sighed.

"I know how you feel,I moved from Rochdale with my dad he's an English teacher too. I'm Josh by the way."

"Jennifer..but call me Jen." I smiled.

Me and Josh chatted for a bit until Josh's friends came in and he literally stopped talking to me. Pretty rude if you asked me ,but i didn't bother argue.

"Hey Babe." one of the boys said jumping and sitting beside me.

"Ehm stuff you." I said bluntly.

"Come on.." He put his arm around me. I pulled away.

"Sorry,what do you think you're doing,can you not leave me alone? freak." i said. Causing all eyes to be on me,and this  weirdo,chatting me up.

"Look Gus,can you leave her yeah?" Josh said.

"Wow Josh..Didn't realise you knew her. Calm down" Gus replied.

"I don't know her,I just have some idea of respect?" he said causing me to laugh.

"Guys leave it. I'm fine OK?" I said walking away.

The bell rang for form and I glanced at my timetable and walked to my form class. Luckely I passed it this morning on the way to the common room so knew where i was going. I walked into the class and saw Josh sitting at a desk,so I decided to sit next to him.

"Hey,anyone sitting here?" I asked. He looked up and smiled.

"Course not"

"Look,thanks for this morning,yenno with that Gus guy?"

"Aw it's fine ,he's a proper jerk anyway" He laughed. 

Then a dark skinned smiley woman walked in .. I'm guessing she's our form teacher.

"Guys I'm Mrs Diamond your form teacher this year OK? So if you have anything bothering you , you can come see me OK?" 

*Josh's POV*

Mrs Diamond for a form teacher,suppose that's a good thing. And so it this girl I've met Jen. She seem cool,I don't know if I should tell her im gay or not? I dont want her to stop talking ,or judge me if I do? What am I saying I've known her for an hour? Oh well. I pulled out my timetable and had a quick look. Oh god. I have dad for English? Why is that even allowed..Bless the old guy.

The bell rang for our first lesson,I discovered I'm in most classes with Jen which is a good thing,she reminds me of Lauren,who i miss a lot. Me and her were best friends,I mean we text each other almost everyday but it's not the same is it? And Finn..god knows what he's doing now,haven't spoke to the lad since we left Rochdale in July,apart from like one text.

Me and Jen walked into dads class. We were first in actually. Great

"Ah Josh,who's this?" he asked.

"Eh this is is Jennifer,her mums an English teacher here to yenno." I smiled hearing Jen say 'hey' beside me. Dad thought for a while. "Are you Miss Wallace's daughter then?" He asked her. 

"Yeah that's right."

Dad nodded "Well then. You two better find a seat" He said as everyone flooded in behind us.

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