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"And then you went; WAPOOM! OBJECTION! And slammed the evidence on the table!" Maya smiled at Phoenix.

"Maya, you've seen me do this a million times before." Phoenix chuckled.

"Phoenix Wright, once again. You put up a good fight."

I know that voice.

I turned around and saw the fire titled Miles Edgeworth.

"I always put up a good fight." Phoenix shrugged.

"Ahaha. Not always. Sometimes you're so weak you can't provide evidence for the dumbest accusations." Miles pointed his finger, shaking it a bit.

I need to say something.

Make a move, Aya!

"Oh. Hey, youre the guy from dinner!" I smiled at him.

He looked at me with a tilted head, letting me see how tall he truly was.

"And you're miss Fey. Aya Fey, correct?" He asked.

I nodded, slightly bowing. "Correct."

"Youre...Mister Edgeworth? Correct?" I asked.

He nodded and bowed.

I heard Phoenix whisper to Maya. Something about me and Miles getting along.

I looked at Phoenix and smirked.

"I'd love to have you for dinner sometime, Mr. Edgeworth. The four of us!" I smiled.

He stood up straight. "Doesnt seem like a bad idea. Im free tonight. At 8:45. Sharp. See you then." He bowed once more, kissing my hand before leaving.

It felt...nice.

"Did you just invite the enemy over for dinner?" Phoenix asked in shock.

"Yup." I replied.

"I'm not coming." Phoenix and Maya said.

"Then don't come." I said.

"We wont."


Phoenix sighed. "Actually, we need to go. He could do something to her."

Maya nodded.

I sighed. "Guys, I'm not a child. Plus he doesn't seem like a bad guy! Just because he hates you doesn't mean he'll hate me!"

"She has a point." Maya said.

"Exactly! So just...stop babying me and let me talk to who I want! Actually, let me walk home this time!" I growled, storming out of the court.

I stormed down the streets, witnessing Edgeworth yelling at someone.

I stopped at a corner to listen at their conversation.

"He already agreed to letting me take this case. I'm sorry, it's not your turn!" A voice, which was clearly Edgworths, spoke harshly.

"You always get the good cases! Let me have this one!" A fancy voice replied.

"We can't go back in time and undo what we did. I am prosecuting this case and you cannot stop me." Edgeworth spoke.

I then heard a hard slap.

It must've been somewhere else than the face because I didn't hear a scream or a wail.

It was silent until another hard slap took place, this time with a grunt and a growl.

"My. Case. Back off, old man." Edgeworth said, sounding like a threat.

I then heard Edgeworth also stomping down the street, so I continued my stomping.

I looked back for a second and he looked at me.

Come on, Aya! Say something!

He already started.

"Kind woman. You seem you don't have a ride home. Let me walk you?" He said calmly, as if nothing just happened.

I nodded. "That's kind of you."

He nodded and walked closer to me, showing our difference in height.

You'd have to bend down to kiss me.

"So, Edgeworth. Just some news about the dinner." I began.

"Yes?" He put his hands behind his back.

"Well, I doubt Phoenix and Maya are gonna come. I'm saying I doubt because they well....they hate you."

"Uh-huh. That's expected."

"So I didn't know if you wanted to cancel or..."

"Tell me, Aya." He stopped walking.

I turned back to him.

"What do you see in me?"

I expected you to be the type to ask the deep questions.

" you mean?" I scratched my neck.

"What do you see in me? Do you just see me as a prosecutor or more than that? A foe or a friend?"

"I see a nice guy that's just misunderstood by many. I love hanging out with you and I really hope we do it more often." I blushed.

What'd I just say?

He smirked and shook his head. "That's sweet of you."

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Very well. I'll go to dinner with just you. Let's continue walking."

Jackpot, Aya. You hit the jackpot.

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