My Guardian Angel

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Esmee Faith Stone was accepted by Apple-Banana Company to work as a management trainee there. She holds a Degree in Management in ICT and had achieved high pointer in her latest examination result. Therefore, she has higher level of qualifications to be chosen to work as a trainee there. Well, she is a perfectionist, workaholic, and she does everything according to her routine and schedule, exactly like a robot. She will follow her same-old-routine over and over again almost every single day. Obviously, her life sucks. But one thing for sure, she has a big heart- she enjoyed feeding the pigeons bread everyday and tossing  five to ten dollars to beggars daily, well, she didn’t know that she was actually corrupting the diversity and encouraging the beggars to smoke weed. Oh well.   

The story begins when Esmee had an extremely hectic day as this was her first day in Apple-Banana and she run into a male stranger.


On her homeward bound after her first day as a trainee, Esmee was carrying a few stacks of work assignments which were well organized according to its labels and the whole thing was a little too much for a lady to carry. She was capable enough to carry that much weight from her working place to her apartment. While walking, Selena, her BFF rang up her iPhone, she answered it. They were mentioning about organizing a reunion party and other girly stuff as well. She was totally into her conversation with Selena until she accidentally bumped into a stranger. He wore grey plain T with faded blue jeans .And his face was covered with his beard! Uh! As if he never shaved for months. And he smelled awful like he haven’t bath for years. But she got to admit, He was kinda cute though. Her paper works scattered all over on the avenue. Quickly, he helped her to collect all her stuff on the ground. Apart of his unpleasant smell, Esmee was indeed grateful and she said: “Thanks.”  He replied her with a smile, “Don’t mention it.” After collecting her stuff on the avenue, that stranger asked her, “Hey, does this Wall Street really exist here?”  She replied, “Umm, of course!” But in her mind, she was thinking, “What?! You don’t even know Wall Street? Come on, I mean, what are you?” And she added, “So you are an intruder from somewhere?” He nodded his head, smiled and he said, “Hey, I do have a passport, I am here to do legal stuff.” And he laughed. Again, he asked, “Do you know where Wall Stree..t……” Then suddenly everything was in slow-mo. At that moment, Esmee felt something, it’s like electric shock and it gave her goose bumps, rather than the sound of wedding bells and flower petals pouring down from the sky. It happened after she looked straight into his eye, she blushed and turned away from him. To avoid awkwardness, Esmee thought of many answers to reply him and she soon noticed that his stomach was grumbling. “Miss, could you tell me where this street is? He asked again. She was thinking that maybe this guy has nowhere to live and she felt pity for him. So, she ignored the stranger’s question and said, “Hey mister, do you have a place to stay? You are starving aren’t you?” The stranger was stunned and he admits that he is hungry but he has a place to live. So, Esmee brought him to Mc Donald’s and treat him burger and fries. He told Esmee that he lost his wallet and his phone on the way but he will repay her someday, he promised. While he is having his meal, Esmee drafted a map that will lead him from there to Wall Street. He thanked her; again Esmee was turned on by his swag. He left right away after his meal.


Three months later, she continued her normal routine every morning before heading to work. She had bread with peanut butter and bananas for breakfast. After breakfast, she prepares herself to work.  She took the train to work early in the morning with full spirit to kick start her day. Esmee later eavesdrops on the conversation of her best workmates, Hilary and Miranda while she was on her way to the office. They were talking about their CEO’s son which will be arriving soon. She interrupted their conversation,“Our CEO’s son?” They replied: “Morning darling! Guess what? Our Alberto is arriving!” And they both start to scream as if they were in Justin Bieber’s concert. Esmee was the only one that is back dated as she was too busy handling tons of work. Esmee asked, “He is just the son of our CEO, so what’s the big deal?” Hilary replied, “Oh my god, Esmee! Don’t you know Alberto Travis Romero, the hottest guy in 2012?” Miranda said, “Oh god, you must be kidding me! You have no idea how hot he is.” And Hilary added, “And single!” Again, Miranda said, “I’m so excited! ”Hilary interrupted her, “Shut up Miranda! He’s mine, back off! And they started to quarrel. Esmee whispering, “You two are certainly out of your ……..” When she was about to say “mind”, a Mercedes limousine driven by a well dressed chauffeur had arrived at the main entrance. Miranda and Hilary said, “Look! That’s him! He’s here!” And they started to scream again and run towards the main entrance. Every employee went down to have a look at their boss’s son which will soon be their new CEO. The driver opened the door and he came out from the car. He was certainly hot, charming, and confident, also, his stylish hair suits his polo suit well and his spectacle fits perfectly! But, there was something about him, he looks familiar to Esmee, “Who is he?” said Esmee. The crowds was clapping their hands and welcoming their new soon-to-be CEO. As the crowds getting bigger, it was difficult for Esmee to see his face. She tried to recall everyone she knows but still she could not think of anyone. Alberto managed to escape from the crowds and headed to his father’s personal office. Soon, the crowds evacuated and went back to work.

 It was lunch break and Esmee, together with Hilary and Miranda went to a fine restaurant just across their working place to celebrate their survival as a trainee for three months. And by the way, trainees have to compete with one another, just like in ‘The Hunger Games’ , the survivors that stands out will be chosen one to work in the company as a permanent worker. The three of them, who worked together like the three musketeers are always the top in everything they do. So, they promised each other to go to a fine restaurant to have lunch. And here they are- in a high class restaurant. They ordered their meals and drinks. Later, Miranda spotted Alberto with other people in suits, probably the share holders, was walking towards their table. Miranda said, “Oh my gosh! Am I dreaming? Hilary, slap me!” So, Hilary did slap her. “Ouch! What did you do?” Miranda scolded Hilary. Hilary replied, “What? You asked for it! Right, Esmee?” Esmee laughed. And then Alberto and the others were walking closer to their direction. Finally, Esmee recalled who he was. “It’s you!” she thought. Alberto was looking at her as if he knows her, so do Esmee. seemed like every sounds begins to fade tremendously, only just the two of them looking at each other, again there’s electric shock- feeling, somehow they had their moment of silence and their heart pounded as fast as the speed of light but soon this lovey dovey feelings turned into awkward moment when the environment sounds came back and Alberto, holding his crest, he walked faster into the VIP room while Esmee was having Goosebumps and she felt ashamed for what she thought of him previously- perhaps as a illegal immigrants.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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