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(Yosh I'm back with another chapter! Like previously stated
Asra is the white haired guy in the picture while Ellora is the Male MC and I'm using the background of the game as part of the one shot plot. You'll have to play the game if you want to know the link between the stories)
Asra "thinking"
Ellora "thinking")
(That's all plus this is yaoi)

Ellora woke up due to the light falling on his eyes from the window. It was morning. He looked around the unfamiliar place and he remembered the last few days especially last night. He looked at Asra who was sleeping peacefully next to him.

Ellora, "Last night was my first time! Who knew Asra would be so dominating! But I can't say I didn't love it! I love Asra! And he loves me!"

Ellora looked at Asra and pushed back one of his bangs from his eyes. Asra must have felt the touch, he woke up.

Asra, "Good Morning, Lora"

Ellora smiled, "Good morning, my love!"

Asra, "Are you alright? Last night was quite intense!"

Ellora blushed thinking about it. He remembered how Asra looked at him with so much desire and love. Just thinking about how much he was loved by this amazing man in front of him made him blush all the way up to his ears.

Ellora, "I.... I'm alright! Last night was..... " He couldn't say it, he instead blushed and buried his face in the pillow.

Asra chuckled, "Yes, I know what you mean." Asra moves closer and kissed his head gently.

It was Ellora's first time last night. He knew Asra probably had lovers before but somehow he also knew that wasn't the case. Asra noticed his thoughtful look.

Asra, "Is something wrong?"

Ellora, "Well... I don't know why but I'm sure we did this before. I know last night was my first time. But for some reason I felt like I have done this before."

Asra looked at Ellora sadly, "Well yes we did actually it was our first time too back then three years ago! And then that happened. I have tried to help you get your memory back but you would always be in a lot of pain and at one point I thought I would loose you so I stopped trying."

Ellora, "Asra, I'm sorry."

Surprised Asra, "Whatever for? You did nothing wrong?"

Ellora, "You must have been so lonely. I'm sorry I should have acted on my feelings long time ago. Then you wouldn't have been lonely."

Asra smiling, "Ellora don't blame yourself! It's not your fault you lost your memory from before three years ago. And three years isn't that long. I got you back in the end. Also I enjoyed taking care of you."

Ellora blushed at that, but he had to concede with Asra on that point. He enjoyed their time together and even if he didn't remember the past, it could be looked as falling in love with Asra all over again.

Ellora, "Asra, I love you."

Asra, "I love you too, Ellora."

Faust, "I love both friends!"

Asra laughing, "Ah! Faust! There you are! Where have you been you clever little snake?"

Ellora, "Hahahaha! We love you too Faust! You know I really like this! You, me and Faust together with no one to disturb us."

Asra smiled, "Yes this is perfect getaway for us, isn't it?"

Before Ellora could answer, they heard both of their stomachs grumble loud.

"Pfffffffffft, hahahaha!" ,they laughed together.

"Well we should have breakfast first! What would you like? We can have curry and rice or porridge or stuffed bread and soup!" Asra asked, "There's even enough to make the vegetable-meat stew you love, Ellora!"

"Well I'm not picky to be honest." Ellora said, "Whatever you make I love them all except for tea. I'll make the tea."

"Your tea is best" said Asra as he got up from the bed to get ready for the day and prepare breakfast or will it be lunch now? Ellora also got up slowly. He's back didn't hurt but there was a slight sore feeling. Ah the wonders of magic!

Ellora picked Faust up, who then curled around his shoulders, "What about you Faust? Did you have breakfast? Or would you like some of the mice we keep in store?"

Faust, "Friend give food!"

Ellora, "Hehehehehe, mice it is!"

Asra was already preparing food in the kitchen while Ellora gave Faust her favorite mice. After getting the adorable silver snake situated he went to prepare the tea for the two of them.

It was very peaceful and enjoyable. But unfortunately they both knew this wouldn't last long. They had a duty to uphold and would need to return to Vesuvia as soon as possible. Saguaro's situation was very disturbing. And even though they managed to take care of the problem, they both hoped it wouldn't get worse. But till then they would enjoy the time they have together.

The End

(A. N. : Hope you enjoyed the story. (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Wrote this last night but since I didn't have a beta reader I went through this chapter twice last night and now once again to lessen the mistakes in it! (´∀`)♡
Also you probably noticed I'm a sucker for domestic love!)

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