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Vale is in Remnant, a place that attracts a lot attention and people from all works of life especially business men, even the ones with the shrewdest mindset. The mindset of some of these business men can be so bizarre like a zoo of Grimm. Why like a zoo of Grimm? You ask?? 

The reason is that....

Five Ursas, twelve Biowolfs and a beringul just broke out...shit...

The citizens of that area were screwed 'right at this moment! And now there was no escape! Even though the Grimm could smell them out, there was really no need to, because a beringul just found a small child in its view, using its ape-like physique to intimidate the defenseless boy and was about to strike, only to freeze after a whoosh of wind... The beringul's head slowly fell off and dropped before the boy's feet, and the rest of the ape Grimm fell on its side, exposing a teenage boy with jade green eyes, dressed in red cloak, black jeans, black shirt and red tie, with blue hair tied in a ponytail, hiding behind beringul. He eyed the scared child with a blank expression for seven seconds then smiled at him and said "good job kid". He turned blue all over, ran towards the left side of the street at high speed, leaving the child stunned.

"Joe! Don't leave the kid there!" screamed another teenager in blue jeans, iron gauntlets, a red on black t-shirt, and rocket boots. Joe shook his head as he quickly dispatched a biowolf with a stab of kunai.

"C'mon Ryan! I ain't an idiot, besides, Junior's on it." Joe admits.

MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" Junior shouted whilst spraying an Ursa of lead until it turned into a puddle of blood and marrow. This...eccentric teenager with short blonde hair and emerald green eyes, was decked in a similar hood attached cloak as Joe's, the only difference is that his sleeves are ripped, exposing his viciously inked arms in all of its glory.

Junior turned around and saw that the civilians were scared, feeling guilty he decided to go closer to them because he saw that one of them was in pure shock, the young woman's whole body had gone pale and near freezing. Junior held her close to his chest, so she could warm up from his excessive body heat. Whilst Junior was giving her body warmth a biowolf was charging towards them for an attack, suddenly a girl in her teens with ruby shaded eyes, red hair, dressed in red bum shorts,red on black shirt, in red boots saved them...violently
"You need to use your senses more bro" she said
"Thanks Wanda, I knew I could count on my imoutu," Junior congratulated her, making Wanda giggle.
"Yo! Don't get too deep in the anime clichés now!" Ryan warned them, whilst eliminating deposing the remaining Ursas by putting holes in the heads. Junior drew out his oversized sword, getting ready for the three Biowolfs charging towards him, he swung the blade and shouted....
"SEVEN SINS SWORD STYLE: FLAMES OF FURY!" and with that saying comes...rings of fire that turned the biowolfs into ash.

Three other Biowolfs cornered Joe but he wasn't worried because his fist was already vibrating and turning into a vibrant shade of blue, and with a swing to the air he lashed out his "SONIC BOOM FIST!" sending a shockwave of energy, splitting the opposing Grimm in half.

Wanda was being chased by yet another set of Grimm, She stopped short and backed flipped high enough so she landed behind the trio of Biowolfs, using powers of energy construction, Wanda made a bow and arrow and shot... shouting "ADAMU NO SHUPPSTU*!" and it went through the three of them, turning them into smoke.

And now there is only one Biowolf left, quaking in its boots... despite the fact it doesn't have boots. Ryan was mocking his weakened predator by slowly walking around it. The Biowolf sensed Ryan was going to kill him and it would be in a very bad way. Suddenly Ryan's right hand starting glowing, a midnight type of shade, and then a violent flame erupted and shouting"TOTAL EDGE!" He cut the Biowolf in half, and watched it turn to smoke. Ryan stretched out with a sigh of relief, took off his mask, revealing his black spiky hair, the scar on his left eye, and white eye color. His siblings came over to check to see if he is okay.

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