Step one

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How to Fall in Love With an Angel

Step one: Meet the angel

            You never thought you’d see Dean Winchester, or Sam, after his death.  The week after he died you moved back to your old town and lost contact with all your fellow hunters.  You went back to being a normal girl in her early twenties.  While you were at home one day, just watching television, you felt your phone vibrating in your pocket, pulling out the device, you looked at the screen, seeing the words you thought you’d never see again.

            Incoming call from: Dean Winchester

            You two talked and talked about what had happened.  Apparently Dean had been pulled up from hell by an angel.  As he told his story, you began packing a few suitcases and making your way to your car.  Soon you would be reunited with your favorite brothers.  You wondered what they’d think of you.  Since the last time you’d seen them, you’d dyed your hair (f/c) and gotten a few piercings.  Though you’d probably change your hair back, now that you longer needed to mourn the death of your friend.

            Bang!  Bang!  Bang!  “Open up Winchester!” you said to the closed motel door.  You heard a few footsteps and the door swung open.  Dean Winchester.  In the flesh.

            “Come ‘ere cutie.” He said, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up.  The Winchesters were like brothers to you, thus the pet names they gave you and the large amounts of physical contact.  Dean hugged you tightly, “I missed you.”

            Your throat burned slightly, the familiar feeling of trying not to cry.  “I never thought I’d get to see you again.”

            “I’m right here.” He said, setting you down.  After letting go of him, Sam caught your eye a few feet away.

            “Sam!” you said, running over and wrapping your arms around his waist.

            He chuckled, hugging you back, “Hey kid.  You look so different.”

            You blushed a bit, looking up at him.  “Good different?”

            Sam nodded, “Great different.” He smiled, patting your shoulder, “We have someone we want you to meet.”

            You raised an eyebrow, looking between the two boys, “Trying to set me up on another date already?”

            Dean laughed, “Nope, not yet at least.” You rolled your eyes at him.  “We want you to meet the one who brought me back.”

            He walked over to a door in the corner of the room, which was probably the bathroom.  Dean knocked on the door a few times.  “Cas, you’ve been in there for awhile, come out.”

            The door opened and a man poked his head out.  He had tanned skin with stubble, slightly messy and dark hair, and bright blue eyes.  The door opened fully, revealing his body which was clothed in dress pants, a white button up shirt, a baby blue tie, and a light tan trench coat.  Behind him, two large, black wings were sprouting from his shoulders.  They were breaththaking.  In his hand was one of the hotel provided white hand towels

            “I don’t understand.” He said in a deep, slightly scratchy voice, “What is this used for?”

            Shaking his head, Dean took the towel from the mans hands and tossed it back into the bathroom.  He lead the man over to you and cleared his throat, “Cas this is (y/n).”

            His bright eyes looked over your appearance, making you feel a bit self conscious.  Okay, a lot self conscious.  His eyes met yours again.  “She doesn’t look like your past lovers, but she is attractive.”

            Dean shook his head, violently, “No, no, no, no., we’re not like that, no… no.”

            You frowned, “Gee thanks, Dean.” You extended your hand, “I’m (y/n) (y/l/n).”

            Cas looked at your hand, which you retracted when he didn’t shake it.  “I am Castiel, an angel of the lord.”

            Ah, no wonder he looks so heavenly.

            You blushed a bit at your own thoughts, giving him a warm smile.  “It’s nice to meet you.”

            “Yes, it is.” He turned to Dean, “Are you sure she is not your girlfriend?”

            “Absolutely.” Dean told him, “She’s like my little sister.”

            Castile blinked a few times, “I don’t understand.”

            Dean put his hand on Castiels’ shoulder, “I’ll tell you when your older.” As he walked over and flopped down on the couch, turning on the television, Cas looked extremely confused.

            “Dean, I’m thousands of years older than you.” He looked at you, “You’re brother is weird.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2014 ⏰

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