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"you said it would be a 10 minutes walk at most, but we took 30 minutes because we walked in circles!" i grumbled while hyunjin unlocked the door.

"okay, okay... i'm sorry.. i suddenly forgot the directions." he said, too tired to say anything more.

as soon as i entered the house, i threw myself on the couch.

i didn't know a 30 minute walk would make me this tired.

just then, i heard footsteps running towards me.

before i knew it, an actual fluffball jumped up onto to couch and to my lap.

i was being licked all over my face, causing me to squeal.

"woah, kkami has never been this excited to see a stranger before." hyunjin said and put a glass of water down on the coffee table before grabbing kkami who refused to stop licking me.

"sorry about that, have some water." he gestured to the glass of water on the table while placing soft kisses on kkami's head.

kkami finally calmed down, letting me have a good look at him.


"that's the dog i saw you playing with at the park!" i exclaimed in excitement.

hyunjin put kkami down, "yeah. that was kkami. someone abandoned him at the park that day and i found him."

"wow.. who in their right mind would abandon this cutie.." i bent down to pat kkami, who was excitedly wagging his tail and jumping around while trying to lick my face.

"kkami seems to like you a lot. he doesn't even do that to me." hyunjin sulked jealously.

i picked kkami up and carried him as if he was a baby and childishly stuck my tongue out at hyunjin to mock him.

"fine, be that way." hyunjin continued sulking.

i put kkami down, taking a huge gulp of water to quench my thirst.

"i'll go get kkami's leash then we can get going." hyunjin told me before going into a room.

i looked around the house, seeing many pictures of hyunjin from when he was a baby framed up and pinned on the walls.

this one picture caught my attention;

this one picture caught my attention;

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i tried controlling my laughter.. but i just couldn't.

the picture was way too cute for me to handle!

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