Bruna's movie.

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Bruna got accepted into an american film ( filming already done as of now! ) called "breaking through"

This WAS a big deal. This hadn't happened in Brazil before. A Brazilian moving to the Hollywood world. This made Bruna even more sucessful.

She had a celebrating event. Neymar was there escorting her, In a suit, with cute glasses (he can see, he wears them for fun) and Bru, in a gorgeous dress. along with a blue shirt. Very fancy.

They had a great time. Photos were only taken of them outside when they were walking into the event. Not inside ( only a couple pics )

Neymar and Bruna took pictures together, hugging. Then late in the party (neymar no longer wearing glasses) took a picture with some fans together.

Then, were spotted kissing each other next to the window. Very adorable!!

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