The Girl Abused By Her Father

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  • Dedicated to To everyone hurting *Virtiual Hug*

Sometimes it's better to just fake a smile.

I look in the mirror covering my bruises with cover-up. I cover it up as best as I can. When I have succeeded in covering what people don't need to see. I practice.

I look into my own eyes and smile the person looking back does not look broken or hurt, they don't look abused they look happy. Sometimes it's better to fake a smile.

Now it's time to face the monster.  I open the door as slowly as I can hopefully it makes no sound. CREEEEAAAKK.  Damnit, I look down the hall and see no one coming. I step out of the door quickly grabbing my bag that's beside the door I almost make it out when a hand drops on my shoulder. I hardly have time to react before a hand slaps me causing me to fall to the floor. I look up with tears in my eyes "Where do you think you're going"? A demanding voice screams at me. "School". I reply in a small voice. "Fine". The person moves out of my way and I run out the door.

When I am far enough from the house I start to walk normally. I look back to make sure he didn't follow me, when I realize I'm alone I wipe a few tears that ran down my cheek.  I reach the place where I grab breakfast in the morning; I put my hand around the metal handle and put on my fake smile.

I enter and the whole café looks at me with sympathetic looks. I instantly know what happened I forgot to cover my new bruise I quickly run to the bathroom and fix it. Before I walk out I grab a muffin and pay.

Only 5 minutes till I get to school, I walk by people with a bounce in my step and a fake smile painted on my face. As soon as I reach the school I see the group of people who make my life worse than it already is. I walk by them quickly before a bucket of water gets thrown in my face. Washing my makeup and fake smile plain off. My bruises will show I have to cover them quick. I power walk not looking up hiding my face in my sopping wet scarf. I look back for a second to make sure no one is following me. Crap, they are today is just not my day. I walk faster hoping today doesn't get worse. I'm almost there I almost make it but someone walks into me tackling me to the floor. I curse about fifty times shielding my face with my hair. "Are you okay". The boy who pushed me over asks.  

I take a deep breath and tears rolled down my face. "No, I'm sick of this." I respond. "Come again"? The boy asks. Tears continually run down my face as I look up. "I'm sick of this". I look up and everyone gasps at the bruises all over my face. " I'm sick of everything, I'm sick of my father not caring and abusing me, I'm sick of crying myself to sleep, I'm sick of no one caring and most of all I'm sick of hiding behind a fake smile." I exclaim to the boy. He looks at me shocked and I do what I do best, Fake a smile.

I push past him before I feel someone pull me into a hug, I want to pull away but I can't I just sit and cry into this random guy who is hugging me., "I will always care". He says.

And this time I look up, but with a real smile.

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