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The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual historical records. All characters seen in the story are either purely fictional or members of the group 'Stray Kids', trademarked by JYP Entertainment. Please mark that the characters of this story are purely fictional, and are not to be associated with the real life people they are based off of. Some of the OC's are owned by other people/authorities. Other characters are just extras that some might find familiar, but this is purely coincidental. Technical drawings done for this fanfiction are made purposely made for better visualization of the story, and are not to be associated with real-life objects or people.

The fictional story is owned and copyrighted by the author.


"So we have a deal?"

"Yes. You get the two for 10 million"

The two men shook hands, before making the exchange. Mr. Park handed Mr. Lee the briefcase filled with money.

Mr. Lee quickly counted the bills, nodding in approval.

Next, Mr. Lee snapped his fingers. Two boys entered the room, wearing identical masks.

Mr. Lee and Mr. Park shook hands once again, before Mr. Park exited the venue with the two boys.


"The duo known as 'The shadow twins' seems to be active once again. After months of being M.I.A the two was spotted in a brutal fight, close to the downtown bridge, last night. We ask the people to remain calm and stay indoors after dark...-"

Chan listened closely to the sound of the radio. His fists clenched tightly at the mention of their name. 'The shadow twins'. A name that had caused him such anger and pain in the past.

Jeongin noticed the elders actions, making him pay attention to the female voice on the radio as well.

After a silence fell upon the room, Jeongin looked up at his hyung, noticing the veins on his body. They had popped out due to the anger and tension rushing through the elder.

"Are you ok, hyung?" Jeongin asked, softly.

"No, I'm not fucking ok" Chan yelled and hit the table in front of him with his clenched fist.

His actions caused 5 others to enter the room in a rush. They all eyed their furious leader in confusion.

"What happened, Chan?" Woojin asked worriedly.

Chan looked up and met their eyes.

"They're back" He said through gritted teeth.

His words caused everyone to tense up. Jisung clenched his jaw.

"They as in-"


Chan cut the younger off with his raised voice.


The 7 boys sat together in the living room, while discussing a plan to catch the duo. The two had been their worst enemies as long as they had been a gang and worked together.

From the very first time the two spoiled their mission, hurt Jeongin and slipped right through their fingers and disappeared.

"We need to find out who bought them up. I know Mr. Lee's company sold them to prevent their company from going under." Changbin said, annoyed.

"Yes, but how?" Seungmin asked straight afterwords.

A moment of silence filled everyone's ears while they all thought.

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