Best Night Ever - Part 26

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Mature content in this chapter so if you're not old enough for it or don't like it just skip. All you will miss is Caspar and Amber fighting and Oti and her boyfriend. Xx

Dianne's PoV
Let's just say all through Dinner it was kind of silent and awkward. I decided to start a conversation with Amber as everyone was kind of leaving her out.
"So Amber. What's it like being the girlfriend of one of these boys. I know for me it's a bit difficult" I laughed. Joe nudged me playfully before placing his hand on my thigh. I felt tingles shooting up my spine.
"I mean it's fine to be honest. Caspar is so good to me and would never leave me. Would you babe?"  Oti scoffed and I glared at her to tell her to stop. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it to find Oti's boyfriend. I invited him in and he went to say hello to Oti. She was so happy but then he turned around and saw Caspar.
"Is that him? What is he doing here? And oh look he has a girlfriend as well. You're both cheating fuckers"
"Woah babe calm down!" Oti tried. Amber turned to Caspar and asked before she stormed out. Caspar stood up and ran after her and soon after me and Joe were left alone as Oti and her now ex boyfriend had gone to discuss everything about them.
"Well that went well" I sighed.
"Yeah. But think of it like this babe. Now we're alone we can finish what we started earlier". He walked over to the sofa so I followed him and straddled his lap. Each one of his kisses were gentle and passionate but because I was craving more I crashed my lips into his face and started grinding on him. He let out a small moan before whispering in my ear.
"Should we take this somewhere else or do you still want to wait for a special occasion?" I dragged him up whilst still kissing him and pushed him into his bed. I got on top of him and started kissing his neck whilst trying to undo his belt. His hand roamed over my body and it felt like electricity. I don't know why but this just felt right. I wanted it to be special but somehow tonight was going to be the night. It felt good and natural.
I finally got his belt undone and he started to kiss my neck sucking at it in all the right places. He stripped his t-shirt off and then played with the bottom of mine. I helped him take mine off before he got his jeans off. I stopped kissing him for a minute just to make sure he had the protection to which he pulled out his bedside table.
"Someones prepared"
"Well you never know when you're gonna bring a girl back to your room do you?"
"Oh just any girl?" I teased.
"I mean no. The only reason they're there is because I've been waiting for this to happen between us for a long time. Now come on atop talking".
"You were the one talking!" I pulled him down to me by his neck as he slid off the remainder of my clothes. We both got under the sheets and had the best night of our lives. For some reason even though it wasn't a special occasion, it was still special. Maybe the time doesn't need to be special. Just the person you're with. We were at it basically all night just enjoying each other. When I woke up. I remembered everything that happened the night before. The fights between 2 couples. The fact that neither of them came back so Caspar must have fixed it with Amber and then the fact that I lost my virginity with the one person I wanted to. All my other relationships tried to force me into it but I said no. Joe was different. He asked before doing it. He was a true gentleman.

Hope you liked this chapter. Just wanted to make it real but there wasn't too much mature content. Also I don't know whether to do a user shoutout as they might not like it. I'll do one but if the person wants it removed I will. Xx

User shoutout:

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