Chapter 1: Arrival and Mabel's Embarrassment

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      Mabel, leaning forward, closes her eyes. "D*mn it." She thinks to herself. She was freaking out on the inside. Constantly cursing herself out. Seeing as she has the biggest potty mouth in her entire family. "Dipper was not supposed to see that! F**k! Bad Mabel! Bad!"

     "Well it doesn't matter. Not like they can change it." Dipper says. Relieved Mabel nods her head. "Also as punishment for not telling me about it, I'm going to embarrass you." Dipper adds. He seemed to be joking but Mabel wasn't too sure about that.

     "What?! That's not fair!" Mabel whined. She knew that Dipper could tell so many stories to embarrass her. She tried to think of something that she could use against him but the only thing that came to mind was how Dipper was still socially awkward as before. "Well that's not enough."

     "Mabel. Get your bags ready. We have 2 minutes left." Dipper orders, stretching his arms and legs. He started to pack his bag. Looking over Mabel saw that he brought his journal along. Of course he was prepared. After all, they were going to the weirdest town in the world.

    "Yes Mr. Bossypants." Mabel remarks, rolling her eyes. "You know you act a lot like a father already." Mabel adds, laughing.

    "And you haven't changed at all. Well except your language use, fashion style, and attitude." Dipper states. He sounds like a father lecturing a child. "Oh and your music choice."  

    "Hey what's so wrong with punk rock! Besides the bands have cool names! Three Days Down, Fall Out Girl, Blue Day, and Five Finger Death Chop!" Mabel argues. It's true that Mabel has changed as much as she hasn't. Grabbing her stuff Mabel see's the bus stop. "Finally!"

    "Let's go!" Dipper says slinging his bag over his shoulder. Walking off the bus they thank the driver. "Huh. That's weird. Nobody's here to greet us. Well let's make our way to the Mystery Shack." Dipper starts walking down the dirt road. Mabel walks behind him at about 10 feet distance. Looking around the pretty forest Mabel heard a rustle. Stopping she turns to her left and only caught a glimpse of blue.

    "Good to be back. Mystery's are already around." Mabel laughs. With the Mystery Shack in sight the twins heard a loud noise. Suddenly a giant branch falls in front of Dipper. Dipper being Dipper panicked and roundhouse kicked the branch, completely obliterating it.

    "Wow dude didn't know you were able to kick butt." Comes a voice from behind them, a cool female voice.

    "WENDY!" Mabel shouts turning around hugging the orange haired girl. Laughing Wendy pushes Mabel away.

    "Good to see you too." The cool girl says.

    "Mabel don't get too attached or you might fa-" Dipper tries to say before being punched by Mabel. Knocked off his feet, the punch made him fly 15 feet before hitting the ground.

    "No! Dipper you will not talk about that! No! No! Heeeeell no!" Mabel shouts, her face red like an apple. Wendy shocked at what she just witnessed.

    "Several things I gotta say. 1.) That was some anime like strength. 2.) Mabel when did you get such a potty mouth? And 3.) What the heck just happened?" Wendy states counting each number with her fingers.

    "U-Um nothing! Nothing! Oh and I've have been using curse words since Junior year...It's a habit of mine." Mabel replies.

    "Owwwwww." Dipper whines getting up. "Why'd you hit me?"

    "Because I know what you were about to say!"

    "What? That you used to be a le-" Dipper said before being punched in the gut. "Ok ok. I won't tell Wendy."

    "I can guess what he was going to say." Wendy says walking towards the twins.

    "No you can not! Now let's go Dipper, before I kill you." Mabel says. Wendy couldn't tell whether Mabel was mad or embarrassed. "Why do I tell my brother every single thing." Mabel thinks to herself sighing. Mabel knew eventually Dipper would say it to someone. She was worried at who he would tell. "D*mn it Dipper! We just got here! And the first thing you do is say that to someone!"

    "Sorry. But you won't be able to hide it forever."

    "I can if I'm not it anymore."

    "Fine fine. Let's hurry before Soos locks up the front door."

A/N: y'all might be wondering how she punched him 15 feet! well Gravity Falls is weird so the twins being HEAVILY affected basically get anime like reflexes and strength!

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