Facts About Ramadan

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1. When the month of Ramadan start, the gates of Paradise are open, the gates of Hellfire are closed and the devils are chained
(Al-Bukhari 1898, Muslim 1079)

2. Every Muslim must make intention before Fajr to fast (for an obligatory fast). Intention is not uttered. It is determination in the mind and should not be done with audible wording. (Al-Bukhari, Abu Dawood 2454)

3. Fasting is not just abstaining from eating and drinking it is also refraining from vain speech and language. If one is verbally abused, he should say, "I'm fasting" (Muslim 1151)

4. Taking the pre-dawn meal (Sahuur) is a blessing. Every Muslim is expected to take meal even if with a mouthful of water. (Al-Bukhari 1723, Ahmad 44)

5. It is the Sunnah to delay the Sahuur and hasten to break the fast as soon as the sun sets. (Al-Bukhari 192, Muslim 1077)

6. If one hears the call to prayer while still eating the Sahuur he should not stop eating, rather he should finish his food (Abu Dawood 2350)

7. Whosoever does not give up speaking falsely and acting on lies and evil actions, Allah does not care for his abstaining from eating and drinking. (Al-Bukhari 1903)

8. The messenger of Allah used to beak his fasting before Maghrib prayer with three fresh dates, if there were no fresh dates, he would eat three dry dates, if there were no dry dates, he would take three draughts of water. (Abu Dawood 2349)

9. Whoever provides a fasting person something with which to break his fasting, he will earn the same reward as the person without the person's reward being reduced. (Al-Tirmidhi 807)

10. It is permissible for a fasting person to bath or pour over his head to relief him of the hotness of the sun or thirst (Abu Dawood 2365)

11. If somebody eats or drinks forgetfullly while fasting, he should complete his fast, for what he has eaten or drunk was has been given to him by Allah (Al-Bukhari 1933, Muslim 1155)

12. Zakatul Fitr is obligatory in every Muslim, old and young slave and free.

13. Du'a for breaking fast;

Zahaba al zam'a wabtala al urooq was thabata al ajr in sha Allah


The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is confirmed if Allah wills

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