Cold Starts to New Beginnings

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"Now don't you look handsome"

I didn't feel handsome. I felt disgusting. I looked at myself in the mirror having my same familiar hat placed on top of my head where I tilted it ever so gentle to cover the black eye that my face has adapted.

"I look horrid and you know I do" I replied with the same cold tone.

The witch above me only snickered before her fingers touched my shoulders, lifting up my chin to level myself with my mirror, causing my reaction to become a bitter scowl to properly show off the black eye that formed around my face as she held onto mine.

"Be careful puppet master, for if your head falls your hat may slip." She spoke very coldly, as if her words rolled off her tongue like a snake and for once, caused me to look into my mirror and see myself truly. I was no longer the man I was before, no longer was I anything close to what I was.

My name is Jeramiah Fisher Kingston.

And this is how a man who once had everything, ended up with nothing.

Nothing but cold threads to his hands and neck, and needles to pulse through his skin and his soul.

The man that now stages himself as the most manipulative toy creating nightmare youll ever encounter.

I am, Nightmare, the Puppet Master.


"This is it Kingston, you're going to school" Jeramy spoke to himself happily. Jeramy wasn't a man who was given the pleasure of schooling. The year was 1822, Jeramy was 17 years old. He enjoyed his life in England very much, he lived in the downtown part of London, where most of London was crowded and busy constantly, and very overpopulated, but rewarding to live. Not many were rich in London at the time, due to how overcrowded it was most lived in the middle class sections, but that didn't stop Jeramy for wanting to achieve his own passion in education.

As a child Jeramy read about every career opportunity he could possibly get. There were so many options for him to choose but only one really catch his eye the most. Jeramy was going to invest in being a toy maker. The mechanics of toy carving, making, and welding fascinated him beyond compare. As a child Jeramy didn't have the pleasure of owning his own toys, in fact, he often had to make up his own objects to call his own toys. Jeramy didn't come from a rich home, his home life was incredibly complicated.

But the only way to truely understand would mean to go back years and years ago.

Jeramys mother, Michelle. Was a women whom lost her parents and was an orphan her entire life. She was often traded for human trafficking at times and tormented by her owners all her life.

Jeramys father, Edward, was a man who came from a very wealthy family. He was raised bitterly and it only made him bitter himself. After seeing Michelle, his father made it his ideal goal to claim the women as his. Eventually he was able to buy Michelle off of her owner, and kept her locked in his own home, like an object.

She was given no rights to her name, and no rights to her well being. Michelle lived under Edwards harsh and horrid rules, tending to him like a slave. The disrespect that his mother suffered under her own roof was unbearable, until Edward granted upon Michelle something she didn't expect. An non consented baby.

The horror of the news when it was given to him by his maid only resulted in the sudden outbreak of screaming and abuse and tears, but this did not stop Michelle. She has practically begged the man if he has any decency in his soul or heart he would consider letting her keep her baby, and through very debatable reluctant decisions, he agreed.

Considering the embarrassment Edward faced when those around him would soon know, Edward Kingston kept his own maid like a sexual pleasure toy.

So he married her, of course she had no say in deciding her own fate, but if it meant that her baby would be safe then thats all she's needed to comfort herself. Her pregnancy was quiet difficult. Michelle was a very weak individual and Edward gave her no excuse to stop working, even if she was pregnant, she still has her chores she tended to carry on in his mansion.

Edward was about as classless as a man could get, and people described the man as Satan reincarnated. Months has passed before Michelle was finally due and suddenly was forced into labor, right in the middle of a party hosted by Edward for his fellow co workers. Ashamed by the embarrassment, he quickly shoved his wife into the bathroom, didn't even bother with a doctor for delivery before he spoke one last sentence to her that night.

"The babies yours, therefore you handle it yourself. And if for some rare reason it comes out deceased, you are to shove it into a sack and thrown out the next day, do you understand?"

Michelle would never forget that sentence. And Edward returned to his party as if everything was normal.

Painful and exhausting hours of labor only increased for Michelle as she struggled to breathe, she was all alone in this bathroom for hours it felt like, blood seemed like it was everywhere spread across the floor and on her sore legs before letting out the most horrified scream she had ever made, followed by another noise with it.

Regaining the only strength she had, she lifts her new born baby into her dress to clean it off, leaning against the wall and catching her breath, and to her surprise, the baby was rather quiet. She took a careful look into its eyes and for once she didn't feel so alone anymore in this house.

"What a handsome young boy." She whispered as tears of joy filled her eyes. She carefully placed the small child onto her chest for it to softly hear her heartbeat. "But what to call you" She said. She hadn't thought of a suitable name, she didn't even discover its gender till a few moments ago, but the first thing she could think of was what she wished to call her angel from heaven.

"Welcome to the world Jeramiah." She said softly placing a kiss on top of the sleeping child's head. From there on Michelle promised to be there for her baby boy, no matter what the risk costed her. She knew telling Edward the name of the child wouldnt matter to him, he saw it as vermin either way, despite it being half of him.

And so, Jeramiah Fisher Kingston was born healthy, on a bathroom floor, one cold spring night at 2:35 am. On May 1st. 1805.

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