Run Away

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Hey welcome to the book the readers gender can be whatever you want it to be I just put boy/girl or her/him ect to keep it short so change it if you like any way please enjoy weirdos! +I've added my oc XD

I was a cold night in Houston, Texas it was around 12:00 at night and you yet to tire only because you wanna get as far away from your parents as possible at this point all they wanted was you to be perfect "like every little girl/boy/ should be" as they said but you didn't want to be like that you like playing in the mud/dirt, wearing boy/girlish clothing, and playing with the boys/girls at school. You were no perfect little girl/boy and you never will be no one can make you.
You were shivering from the cold but you pressed on when you heard a truck slow down and stop when you stoped to look at it when the window rolled down there was two young men in the front and there seemed to be a larger person and a small person maybe a kid in the back then the man in the passenger seat spoke "W-what's a k-kid like you doing o-out here by y-yourself." The young man with the long black hair said with a southern accent "running away from home" You replied blankly looking coldly in to the mans deep blue eyes "how l-long have you b-been walkin for?" The black haired man asked "several hours. Why?" You asked "d-damn kid ya g-gotta be tired." The man said in shock look at you rather concerned "not really I just don't wanna go back to my parents." You said now looking at the ground when a new voice boomed from the front seat "h-hey nubs why d-don't we t-t-take 'er/'im home w-with us." The man in the drivers seat said "but w-what a-about drayton?" The black haired man said "who cares n-n-nubs we're the o-ones who found 'er/'im." The driver said excitedly "w-what do you th-think bubba and Alex?" The driver asked the bigger person and small person in the back who seems to agree with the driver "f-fine come o-on kid we're t-takin ya home with u-us." The black haired man says geting out and walking over to you and squats down to your level "c-can I pick y-ya up?" He asked with a smile. You hasitated the noded with the tireing of your small body you couldn't go on any longer you would soon claps from exhaustion so you reached your small arms up to him as he then picked you up and carried you to the truck as you passed out in his arms with a soft snore.

❤nubbins pov❤
As I took this kid to the truck she/he passed out and started snorin' softly as I sat in the front closin' the door behind me and lookin' down at 'er/'im with a smile plastered on my face as chop starts the truck and bubba and alex look over ma shoulder to look at the kid which bubba already seem to be attached to which wasnt surprisin' he gets attached to almost anythin' we bring in doesn't matter what it is he will most likely get attached but to be honest I myself am kinda already attached to this kid she/he is just so cute. Chop nudged my arm softly to not wake up the kid as I looked at him then I saw it that smug grin that I hate so Goddamn much "what is t-that look f-f-for." I asked rolling my eyes "y-y-ya are a-attached to 'er/'im ain't cha." Chop said that smug grin becomin' wider "w-w-well why wouldn't i b-be she/he is a cutie I-I mean l-look at 'er/'im." I said while lookin' down at 'em with yet another smile on ma face "w-well i guess y-y-you're r-right." Chop said as he started drivin' back home as bubba was still lookin' over ma shoulder lookin' at the kid. 'I think ya're gonna fit in just fine kid' I thought to myself.

780 words!

Im writing this on a school bus right now since I'm a highschool student I don't have much time on my phone to work on these but I promise to try harder for you my weirdos until next time Madori out.
(P.s I will try to upload chapters every Friday, saterday and,Sunday thank you for your patience.)

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