New home comes with a new challenge

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You woke up on the black haired mans chest but you felt safe and confortable as you yawn and stretch "morning k-kid." The black haired man smiled then look around to see you all were still travling as you groan and buried you face into his chest making him chuckle at your cuteness "I'm not waking up yet you can't make me."you mumbled into his chest then falling back to sleep. You woke up on a couch to the sound of yelling and cussing frightening making you tear up which the large man from the truck seemed to notice and walked over to you and picked you up and held you close to calm you down as you clinged to him like a baby koala would. You never liked yelling and anger in general it scares you since your parents constantly yelled at you so even if this yelling wasn't detected at you it was still scary soon all went quiet which scared you more it's never good when things go silent something bad is going to happen. That's when a older man entered the room you and the large male were he looked pissed as he looked right at your small figure as you cowered in to the chest of the large man " Bubba give me the kid." The older man growled yet this so called bubba wasn't going to hand you over to the older man willingly "I SAID HAND 'EM OVER!" The older man yelled loudly making you scream and cry "Don't touch me!" You screamed voice full of fear making both men jump and alert the two others from before as the black haired man came up to you and took you from bubba to calm you down "Drayton l-leave my b-b-baby alone." The black haired man growled protecting you from this so called Drayton who had scared you "Nubbins that ain't your baby that's a run away from who you should've left on the side of the road." Drayton growled back at nubbins as you cowered in to his chest as you cried "leave 'em a-a-alone Drayton ya bitch hog." The driver from before said walking be side nubbins and placing his hand on nubbins shoulder defending nubbins right to keep you "ya know what keep 'em I don't care anymore." Drayton growls as he walks way back to the kitchen after Drayton walked away nubbins took you to his room upstairs to let you sleep and get some rest himself as that fight wore him out since he never yells that much when he gets that angry he normal storms off and goes to his room and cools down so this took a lot out of him so as soon as he got you to sleep he drifted off as well.
🌹Time skip 3 weeks later🌹
You've been with the Sawyer for 3 weeks now and Drayton still hasn't warmed up to you yet but the others sure have you started calling nubbins dad and chop, bubba and Alex your uncles but you yet to befriend the oldest which was going to take a while cause of his stubbornness but you were determined to befriend him as you when into the kitchen "hi Drayton." You chirped but only geting a scoff in return "do you need any help uncle Drayton." You asked looking up at him as he freezes looking down at you "no I don't need help now go play out side 'r somethin'." Drayton sighed letting you run out side to play giggling as ran out the back door. As you closed the door behind you you saw you uncle bubba working on the barn with your dad which they both seem to be sweating up a storm but that was normal for this Texas heat "hey daddy! hey uncle bubba!" You greeted excitedly hugging your dad leg with a big smile on your face "hey s-sweetheart." Dad says smiling sweat rolling down his face as bubba waved at you. You watch from a safe distance as your dad and uncle fix the barn when you fell asleep in the grass which bubba noticed as he nudged your dads arm "what is it bubba" nubbins asked panting from the Texas heat the looking where bubba pointed as he eyes land on your sleeping form walking over to you "well w-what do we have here" nubbins smiled picking your sleeping form kissing your forehead taking you back in side as they had finished only to find a jealous Alex.
To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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