Beginning of the End

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This town became infected pretty quickly. Not many would have survived the virus if it was any slower.

People got sick one by one.
It's hard to believe how fast it had spread within 4 days.
Most of the town's People have become these flesh eating monsters and just thinking about it gives me chills.
My own siblings turned into these creatures and my mother and father were nowhere to be found.
Maybe they turned too.. I don't know. All I know is that I'm alone.. Running from home.

These days have now become Toxic.

Emily runs in panic as a herd of snarling, growling zombies stumble after her through the woods.
She runs out of the town, into the woods to get away from the zombies but they somehow managed to catch up behind until suddenly she feel into steep land.
She fell in a deep dirt hill, feeling her head go dizzy from the fall as she looks up to a shadow peering over her. Another human.. A guy with blonde hair and greyish ocean eyes.
His attire was a Spiked skull belt, ripped black jeans, and a blue t-shirt with a long black sleeve undershirt and ear peirceings.

Emily's mind: This guy looks like bad news!

Random Guy: Hey, you okay miss?
He's smiled slightly in concern at her.

Emily panics and runs away from him as fast as possible.

Random Guy: HEY! Wait up!

Emily: I'm sorry dude! I Can't trust anyone in this town!

She runs more through the woods for almost an hour and slows down to a cliff that has a whole view of the town. She stops and pants heavy out of breath, looking at the town with a burning sunset behind it.

Emily: wow.. It looks pretty from up here..

I miss home.. I miss my family.. Why did this happen? What the heck happened to our kind loving town?..

Suddenly a noise is heard in the distance from behind her.

Ee.. Next Chapter coming soon..

Toxic DaysWhere stories live. Discover now