New Beginnings New Shenanigans

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Emily looks over her shoulder from the sudden sound she overheard as she jolts up from the ground.

Under a tree is a guy sleeping peacefully with dark brown hair, red and black plaid shirt, black jeans, and black and gray converse shoes.

Emily's mind: Another guy? Why is this guy here? He's surprisingly not dead yet considering he's sleeping in the middle of nowhere during an apocalypse..

The man remains still and quiet as she still thinks to herself.

Emily's mind: hehe, I could totally pull a prank on this guy. I could tell him he's been sleeping for 5 years and that the world is being ruled by a gremlin who has let vampires take over humanity and also banned vehicles and pizza in the entire country!

Emily laughs softly and walks up to the man and shakes his shoulder.

Emily: Hey! Wake up dude. You awake?

The guy moans and groans softly as he opens his eyes and looks up at her with with his piercing blue eyes, having a kind of a grumpy tired look.

Random guy #2: Who are you? What's going on?

Emily: Wow.. Dude you fell asleep for 5 years..

Random guy #2: Excuse me?..

Emily: yeah and the world has been taken over by a gremlin who has let vampires taken over humanity.. They uh.. Also banned vehicles and pizza from the country.

Random guy #2: Is that so? Then what year is it? What day is it? What time is it?

Emily: I.. Well.. My phone died but it's 2023.. June 11th..

The guy gets up as he is a bit taller than her, he glares at her with his deep Blue piercing eyes. He moves closer to her as she moves back into a tree as he towered over her, putting his hands on the tree to prevent her to escape from each side.

He looks at her bluish green eyes as she let's a soft gulp down her throat out of nervousness as he was so close.

Random guy #2: I can tell you suck at math yet your made up story isn't too bad. If you put more details into it, I might would have believed you.

Emily: I-I..I'm sorry heh.. I just was poking fun and.. And.. Uh.. You were laying there and i thought I could you know... Try and mess with your head..... Heh..

Random guy #2: Tell me, why did the so called "gremlin king and vampires" ban vehicles and pizza? I'm curious to how far your head went into this.

The guy chuckles and smiles softly.

Emily: Well, you know how vampires mostly turn into bats or mice? They don't need vehicles at all so it's basically just garbage..and the pizza part.. Obviously because of garlic and pepperoni because gremlins hate meat and vampires.. Dislike garlic..

Random guy #2: Clever first part.. lame of the second but hey, you tried.

He chuckles softly and steps back from her.

Emily: I realize that now heh..

Emily looks away shyly and laughs softly.

Random guy #2: So what does a girl.. With literally the best beautiful eyes, doing here in this part of Bloodswill?

Emily: I um.. Was kiiiinda running away from a herd of zombies and fell down a ditch and saw a creepyish guy and ran for my life for a while up to this cliff.. As to then, I find you.

Emily says suddenly fast to get to the recent present point of the story.

Random guy #2: A girl like you shouldn't be out here on your own.. Especially in the middle of an apocalypse. Don't you have a family to be with?

Emily looks away sadly and stays quiet, not wanting to talk about them.

Random guy #2: Sorry..

Emily: It's fine..

Silence fills the air between them as he then leans upon a tree, looking at her.

Random guy #2: My name is Tate.

Emily: You trust me suddenly and tell me your name already?..

Tate: Well, yeah, I'm being nice and don't care about making my identity known by someone else. Especially in this state of the world is in.. If anything, I should tell you it anyways because there's not a lot of us left in this state now I'm sure..

Emily: You're right. My name is Emily but I don't really like my name so.. Call me BamBam.

Tate: I like "Emily", its pretty and I think it suits you.

Emily avoids eye contact from him.

Emily: I.. Juvabuzff.. Thanks..

Tate smiles at her.

Emily: L-look dude.. I.. I have major trust issues so don't expect me to trust you so easily, alright?

Tate: I understand.

Emily looks at the view of the town and lets out a soft sigh from her lungs.

Tate: Well.. Since the town is in bad shape and full... Me and a couple of people found an abandoned warehouse on a nearby cliff and have made camp there. If we're lucky, we could survive there quite well for a while.. Want to join us?

Emily: A warehouse?.. That gives me horror movie vibes. You could be a chainsaw maniac for all I know.

Tate: Fine, then I'll get going now. Dinner is probably done.

Emily's eyes open wide as she looks at him with an interested expression.

Emily: D-dinner?..

Tate: Yep. Might be chicken tonight.

Emily drools a little and bites her lip.

Emily: M-maybe I can stick around for a bit.. It's getting dark and.. I don't do well with the dark.. Hard to see and stuff..

Tate chuckles softly and pats her head.

Tate: Okay then, let's go. You must be hungry.

Emily: M-maybe a little..

Tate walks along from the cliff and leads her to a somewhat visable dirt road and continues to walk as Emily follows him from behind closely.

(Next chapter coming soon later)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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