The Bartlet Bus (DRABBLE)

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Title: The Bartlet Bus

Ships: Abbey Bartlet x Jed Bartlet; Josh Lyman x Sam Seaborn; Margaret Hooper x Donna Moss; CJ Cregg x Toby Ziegler

Rating: General Audiences

Notes:  A drabble! I'm not even a big fan of drabbles, but I had this idea and it wouldn't leave me alone. However, I couldn't think of a full story. So, bullet points it is. 

The Bartlet Bus

-The Bartlet team bought an old school bus with some of their leftover funds
-Josh voted that they paint it blue and call it the "cool bus," but he lost and it became the Bartlet Bus
-It was rarely used, they usually had a much better form of transportation- it was more like a mascot
-It traveled with them and sometimes carried luggage
-But it was never really used
-That is, until...
-CJ was supposed to book plane tickets for them to go back to New Hampshire, but got distracted and it never happened
-The cars had left the day before
-Literally all that was left was the Bartlet Bus
-No one even thought of it until they'd all panicked for a little while
-Then you just hear the governor's voice "We have a bus."
-Leo rolls his eyes and Toby hopes he's joking
-He's not
-So on the Bartlet Bus they go
-Most of the campaign staff left with the cars, so now it's just Leo, Margaret, Josh, Donna, Sam, Toby, CJ, and the governor and his wife
-And it's getting kind of late
-Leo and Abbey are the only ones allowed behind the wheel at first
-But Abbey's driving privileges are quickly removed when her husband won't quit distracting her
-There are copious amounts of cheap beer being handed around as well
-(which isn't a problem for Leo, because "if it comes in a can, it's not even worth my time")
-At first they all labeled the cans, but that turned out to be a hassle, so now Toby isn't sure if he's drinking his own beer or the governor's
-Josh was only one beer in when he moved to sit next to Sam and laid his head in his lap
-He ended up shoving an empty cooler between two benches so he could rest his feet on Donna's lap
-Not that she noticed, she was too busy telling Margaret about the book she'd just finished
-CJ was singing along to whatever came on the radio (she knew an impressive amount of Spice Girls)
-She tried serenading Toby in an attempt to get him to smile
-(which he did, but only when she wasn't looking, because he rather enjoyed the show)
-After Abbey lost the driver's seat she tried to sit with CJ
-But Jed was having none of that
-He dragged her to the back, which she only let him do because she knew Toby wanted to talk to CJ
-So Abbey and Jed snuggled in the back
-And the more intoxicated the staff got, the more blankets and beer cans were thrown at the two of them
-Until they just gave up on being cute and requested full cans of beer
-And then once Jed and Toby had relaxed a decent amount
-CJ and Abbey started a singalong
-Mostly because the two of them could sing, and were drunk, and CJ was tired of only showing off to Toby
-So CJ and Abbey got up and started singing You Don't Own Me
-And as soon as that ended Sam sang (and attempted to dance) to I'm Coming Out
-But he fell and ended up in Josh's lap
-Not that either of them minded
-The big hits were Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!, Wannabe, Never Gonna Give You Up, If I Could Turn Back Time, and 9 to 5
-At some point in time Josh insisted that they all sing Coconut
-He started the music and he and Josh sang the beginning
-Then CJ and Abbey joined in, and then Donna
-They got Margaret to sing the "Doctor" in a rather ridiculous voice
-But Jed and Toby refused
-So Abbey and CJ decided to punish them
-And if you look hard enough through Abbey's old home films
-You will find a terribly recorded video of the ex-President and his communications director
-Singing Barbie Girl
-And there are chip bags everywhere
-And Coke cans
-And Leo is spending the whole drive trying to decide if he's relieved that the governor is relaxing or pissed because it's so loud
-But eventually the sun starts coming up
-And all the caffeine, adrenaline, and sugar have worn off
-And it's oddly quiet and calm
-And Leo just looks in the rearview mirror
-And smiles
-Because Jed and Abbey are snuggling in the very back row, her head on his chest and his hand in her hair
-Because Donna has her head on Margaret's shoulder and they're holding hands underneath an old blanket
-Because Josh is curled into an awkward position so that his head is in Sam's lap and Sam covered them with his jacket
-Because CJ is stretched out in the aisle, the only place she could almost-comfortably fit, and her hand is up on the bench, holding Toby's
-Because he was driving and they were sleeping and they all looked happy and that made him happy
-Because for the first time since there had been even a hint of a chance of Jed winning
-The Bartlet team looked like a family

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