Letters and Love

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After Harry got his wand and saying thank you and exchanging goodbyes with Ollivander, he saw Hagrid outside waiting for him. "I didn't get to give you a present for your birthday, so I got you and owl! Her name is Hedwig." Hagrid said as he pulled an snowy white owl in a cage from behind him and giving it to Harry. "Thank you so much!" Harry said, close to tears, this was the first present he ever got and he would make sure she was well taken care of, even if his relatives disliked her. After getting all his school supplies Harry still needed to get the uniform that was required. They walked to Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions, and a stout woman who was dressed in a purple robe, and had what appeared to be reading glasses on, walked up to them, "Another first year, eh?" She smiled wryly at them. "Come on then, I'm not gonna bite ya, stand here on this platform while I take your measurements." She said as she directed him to stand next to a blonde haired kid that was a few inches taller than himself, she went to the back to get her tools. The blonde looked at Harry with curiosity and slight disgust when he saw Harry's outfit, " Are you a first year too? My name is Draco Malfoy, by the way." He said in a snobbish voice. Harry, not trying to be rude, responded with his own greeting, "Hello, my name is Harry Potter, and yes I am a first year." Harry said rather meekly, he felt small underneath that hungry stare. After they introduced each other Madan Malkins wall back with her tools floating behind her, "alright let's get started, lift you arms so I can measure your waist" She directed him as she went under his clothes to get his measurement, he jumped a bit at her cold hands, he was also a little nervous considering he wasn't the size of a regular eleven year old. Madam Malkins frowned when she felt the protruding bones of his rib cage. But continued on after seeing his distressed look. After measuring the boy, who was far to short and skinny for a regular eleven year old boy, she started on making the clothes. Which only took around twenty minutes to complete. At the counter she rang him up and it came to a total of seven Galleons, he took out the small leather pouch and handed her the money. When he took the bag Hagrid said he would take Harry home and that he would take care of Hedwig until Harry got to Hogwarts. He was disappointed that he couldn't stay longer, but he did have to go back to the house and read the letter that caught his eye.
When they got back to Harry's house it was late, it was already dark out , they said there goodbyes and Harry rushed into the house and to his cupboard under the stairs, which was a bit hard because of the things he bought. Being as discreet as possible so he didn't wake up his relatives. Once he was inside he turned on his small electronic lantern, that was small enough that fit on his shelf, and got the all the stuff he got and put it at the end of of his cupboard, it would be a little cramped but he could manage. Once everything was settled he got out his small leather pouch and dumped the contents out onto his small cot. The content included seven books, one letter, one Galleon, and six sickles.  He put the money back but after putting the money back he opened the letter,
"My dearest Harry,
If your reading this it means that your dad and I didn't make it. I deeply regret not being able to watch you grow but I'll always be in your heart. The stack of books that this letter was on top are a couple of my favorites, and two are going to be very helpful to you in the future.
With all my love,
Your mother"
Harry felt like crying after reading the letter his mom wrote him, he put the letter back in it's envelope and set it on his shelf. He then look at the books his mom left him, he finally got to read the titles of the books; Being a Veela and the Struggles that Follow, Potions for Beginners, The Secret Life of an Nadarri, Herbology and the Meanings Behind It, Transfiguration Theory, and Marks and What They Mean.
Harry guessed the one about the Nadarri and Veela we're going to help him out a lot, he then placed his hand on the mark and smiled softly. 'Well, I better get started, my soulmate isn't going to wait for us to meet coincidentally!' Harry thought before diving in to the books.

A/N: if there are any errors, point them out and I'll change them😛

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