You'll be alright

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"Am I the only one freaked out that Penis Parker is Spider man?"

Happy shot a glare at Flash. He wasn't feeling very generous towards the brat while he had to deal with a seventeen year old kid having a panic attack.

"You'll be alright kid" he tried to reassure Peter. The kid is was pale and shaking and Happy didn't know what he was suppose to do.

"I can't do this Happy. I'm not Iron Man, I'm just me!"

"And what's so wrong with that."

The voice was unexpected, something they thought they would never hear again. They turned towards the monitor in disbelief. Peter swear he heard Ned give out a brief squeak.

"Is that Tony Stark?! Is this before he died?" Flash asked astonished.

"Yes Mr Thompson, this is a video from the past talking to you about stuff in the future that I should have no idea about." Tony deadpanned

Peter couldn't believe his eyes. He had seen the man snap his finger, seen him take his last breath to save the universe and now here he was completely unharmed.

..Well not completely. Peter could see that Tony right hand looked fully burned and unmoving. The right side of his face has less scars than after the fight, that can be seen if you look closely.

"Mr Stark? Are you real?"

"As real as ever." Tony smiled and then his face turned apologetic. "Sorry we couldn't tell you earlier but we didn't want to give you false hope. Apparently the stones think I have sacrificed enough, whatever that means. I was in a coma for a while and Strange helped heal me."

"Who else knows?" Peter turned to Happy as he asked this question. To anyone else Happy might have looked annoyed but Peter knew just by his expression that he was relieved and almost to tears.

"Besides you guys? Pepper, Morgan, Wong and Strange. I'm gonna call Rhodney and Harley after this." He shrugged as if coming back from the dead was just another trip to the Bahamas.

"Listen kid. Happy was right when he said you're on your own. Just because I'm back doesn't mean I can be Iron Man. I might not even tell the world I'm still alive. Fury had the right idea, faking his death. Less people come expecting things. But that does not mean that you're alone. You have you're friends there, right? They'll help you out. Isn't that right. Mr Leeds?"

Ned looked shocked that Tony Stark was actually addressing him. If this was any other moment Peter was sure he would be totally fangirling about this. "Yes sir! Absolutely!"

"Good. And when its all done, you and I'll have a talk. How about it, kid?" Tony's face looked hopeful but totally accepting as if saying that he would understand if he didn't want to talk to him.

"...I think I'll like that Mr Stark" Tony smiled and then the monitor went dark. Peter had a dark thought that maybe it was a recording. Maybe Tony HAD known what would happen.

He shook his head, getting rid of that ridiculous thought.

"You alright loser?" Peter turned towards MJ and thought about the feeling of loneliness, the feeling that he was all alone in this and then the overwhelming relief he felt now when he found out that Tony was alive.

"I will be" And he knew that it was true. He wasn't alright but he will be.

He'll be alright.


Sorry I haven't been writing for a while but all my inspiration and gone down the hole. But after watching ENDGAME I have reached a new level of deniel and I want to share it with others, so here it is :)

You'll be alrightWhere stories live. Discover now