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|One Week Later|


Location• Her House

Time• 7:49 pm

It's been over a week since Christopher and I had our big blowout. Tonight is Thanksgiving dinner and Mama Joyce invited me to the dinner but I don't think I'll be able to go. I know someone is going to try and hook us back up, it's Chris' family of course they will..but just in respect I decided to go anyway. I thought I should only take CJ.

So, with that my mom and sister, Lani are coming over to watch the girls while I'm over at Mama Joyce for the rest of the night.

|Knock, Knock|

"Hey Lani!" I told my sister as I put CJ in his rocker "Hey Zareia." She said as she put all her stuff down including her daughter Irianah, who was 3 months old. "So, have you talked to Chris yet. " my mom asked

"Yeah, I met up with him last week and it was such a huge mess. I couldn't even deal with him" I said as I walked to the kitchen and got the pizza rolls out for the girls "Oh wow!" Lani said rocking Iri in her arms. "Ikr, but anyways. I'm leaving in a few and mom can you put CJ in his car seat right there by the door." As I pointed to the car seat "Sure" she added and picked him up

"OK and I'm warming these up and the twins and Lea get 8 and Chaz gets 11. So mom you can do that" I said as the microwave beeped "Chris should be here any second."

|Ding, Dong| as the doorbell rang. My mom rushed to the door and opened it. "Hey Ms.Toiyah." Chris said as he tried to hug her but she rejected it "Chris." She said with her smart mouth "Uh. Zareia you ready yet?" He asked me


"Uh. Zareia you already yet?" I asked her "Yeah!" She said coming out the kitchen "let me get my phone and purse." She added.

She bent down to get CJ and ooo I couldn't hold it in but I wanted to slap it so bad, but it would be disrespect to her mom right there watching her and My every step. "Ok mom. I'm going. Do you remember everything that I told you?" She asked her "Yes ma'am!?" ☺☺☺ "Okay, see yah" she waved bye and made our way to the car.

•15 minutes later•

"Zareia?" I asked "Yes" she said with annoyance in her voice "Do you still love me?" I asked "Chris, I loved you from day 1 and you think I don't love you. I never have and never will stop. Excludes all the bad shit we been through the pain, the hurt or whatever I will always love. It's just the shut that you called pulling the other day. And yes I love you!" She said as she stared out the window

"Oh. That's really good to know." I said cheesing real hard "how much longer" Zareia asked as I turned the corner "Just right here. Calm down" I said as I pulled in the front

| Z A R E I A |

When Chris pulled in the driveway. It felt like I was at prom. I thought that this was supposed to be a family gathering but I guess not because this thang was crunk but it ain't my family. We all got out the car and went inside with CJ.

I went inside and went in the den and talked to Chris' cousin India we been friends for ever. "So how old is he now?" She asked playing with him "He's going on four months next week." I said getting out his bottle "What about your girls'?" She asked

"Shoo...I got plenty and plenty. There four. Chaz, Twins and Lea. Chaz is 9, Twins going on three and Lea is two.

Because when I was little I always wished that I would have all girls but after I had the twins I realized how expensive they were. But yunno" I replied "I know because after I had Asia and Seniyah who are now 5. I told Dreaux I'm getting these things tied right after I have them but I endednup never getting it done so now he wants more kids" she explained "Wow. I know-" I got interrupted by Ms.Joyce.

"Ok ladies and gentleman. Y'all bring the ones outside inside for me. We will now all begin eating and praying. But first I want to introduce to y'all to our newest family member (Christopher Maurice Brown Jr.)." She said as she motioned me to bring him "As some of you may and moy not know this is my 4th grandchild" she added

"Yes, that means that me and Chris have exactly 4 children together." I told everyone "okay so now we will pray." She said as we all bowed our heads and prayed

"Aye Zareia!?" Chris shouted from the back porch "Yes Chris!" I said walking to the porch "Can you sit down for me please?" He asked with his lean in his cup "Sure, I guess?" As I looked down at CJ with a little blankie over my chest. "You know I love you right?",he said looking at the pool " I know that very much."

"Well I'm thinking that I should really come back home to my family now." He said. I looked back at him in disbelief "Chris, you cheated on me. I got 5 kids from you (excludes Chaz) but you wanna come back when I know you been sneaking around. I'm not ready for you yet. You can come see the kids but not back to stay. I love you Chris and I gotta call my sister to pick me up." I got up put CJ in his car seat and kissed Chris called my sis and she came in 10 mins.

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