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I woke up in a white room and looked around. "Hello?" I called out, hoping to find someone that could explain where the heck i was.

"Hello" someone said. I yelped and turned around to see an man in about his mid twenties staring at me with amusement in his eyes" I see you are finally awake from the dead" he said smirking at me.

"Who are you?" I asked raising my brow at him, " And what do you mean wake up from the dead?" 

"You died' he replied grinning widely at me like a kid who was getting  a prize for being a good boy" And now you're going to be reincarnated, Isn't that great?" he asked with hope in his eyes and a huge smile{ a creepy one to be exact} at me.

I blinked, the blinked again, and again, and once more, until I saw him frown and say" You don't get it do you?"

"Oh I get it alright" I shouted, suddenly feeling angry, "Let me get this, I died and I'm gonna be REBORN!!"

"Yep" he replied, popping the p, not seeming to notice the anger in my eyes as he waved his hands and a door suddenly appeared in front of us. He pushed me towards it as he said" I'll send you the instructions at the right time, okay now have fun!"

"Wait wh-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because I was suddenly sucked into a black viod tjat was completely dark. After a few minutes, I heard a male voice say" She's beautiful Rene"

"I know" the woman,Rene  said happily. "What should we name her?

The man thought for a minute and replied with"Sofia Lilly Swan"

Well, that's my new name now I guess.

 That a wrap. To be honest I am completely surprised I am actually doing this cause I doubt people will read this but it is worth a shot. THANK YOU!!!.

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